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LoL Pentakill Skins, 11.18 Patch Notes

LoL Pentakill Skins, 11.18 Patch Notes
In League of Legends, the turn came to 11.18 in the new update cycle. In addition to strengthening and weakening champions, this patch also features the long-awaited Pentakill Skins and Hextech Tristana skins.

The latest update of League of Legends has arrived at the end of patch 11.18 . Two patch packs in this update cycle will then take us to the 2021 LoL World Championship. In an interesting twist this year, the LoL balance shift team stopped pairing buffs and debuffs one-on-one for the first time. Nearly 20 Champions have been buffed to add a little more excitement to L oL Worlds 2021 . We look forward to seeing the impact of this in the tournament. Apart from these changes in game mechanics, there are the long-awaited Pentakill skins and Tristana's Hextech skin.


League of Legends Patch Notes: 11.18



Weakened (Nerf) Champions

Aphelios - Weakened

  • Base attack damage decreased. (57 ⇒ 55)

Ashe - Weakened

  • Barrage (W) cooldown increased at early ranks. (14/11.5/9/6.5/4 seconds ⇒ 18/14.5/11/7.5/4 seconds)

Camille - Weakened 

  • Variable Defense (Passive) cooldown increased at early ranks. (1/16/13/10 seconds at levels 1/7/13) ⇒ 20/15/10 seconds at levels 1/7/13

Kalista - Weakened

  • Summoning Death (R) knockup duration decreased at early ranks. (1.5/1.75/2 seconds ⇒ 1/1.5/2 seconds)

Lee Sin - Weakened

  • Base attack damage decreased. (70 ⇒ 68)

Renekton - Weakened

  • Ruthless Predator (Empowered W) stun duration decreased (1.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second)

  • Lock duration is now the same as regular W lock duration. (75 seconds ⇒ 0.52 seconds)

Thresh - Weakened

  • Base movement speed decreased. 335 ⇒ 330

  • Flay (E) passive damage decreased early; bonus damage per soul increased. (100/125/150/175/200 Attack Damage + 1 Attack Damage per soul ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200% Attack Damage + 1.5 Attack Damage per soul)

Trundle - Weakened

  • Pillar of Ice (E) slow decreased. (32/39/46/53/60 ⇒ 30/34/38/42/46)

Varus - Weakened

  • Base attack damage decreased. 61 ⇒ 59

  • Living Vengeance (Passive) bonus attack speed decreased at early levels and is no longer flat. (20% ⇒ 10/15/20% at levels 1/7/13)


Buffed Champions

Draven - Strengthened

  • Updated Draven League (Passive): Changes to the number of Fan stacks Draven has are now reflected in the general chat, not just the team chat.

  • Blade of Death (R) now executes an enemy when they reduce their health to or below Draven's current Fancy stacks.

Dr. Mundo - Strengthened

  • In Overdose (R) Capability;
    Eva Without Sun - Instantly heals for 20% of missing health on use⇒ Grants bonus health equal to 15/20/25% of missing health for 10 seconds - Doctor Enters - Heals 20/45/70% of his maximum health for 10 seconds ⇒ Heals
    20  /40/60% of his maximum health for 10 seconds

Gangplank - Strengthened

  • Base health (540 ⇒ 570) and health growth (82 ⇒ 90) increased.

Jayce - Strengthened

  • Hextech Capacitor (Passive) duration decreased. (1.25 seconds ⇒ 0.75 seconds)

Jinx – Empowered

  • Change (Q) mana cost decreased for Fishbone. (20 ⇒ 16/17/18/19/20)

Kai'Sa – Empowered

  • Limit of Power E cooldown decreased (16/15/15/13/12 seconds ⇒ 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 seconds)

Miss Fortune - Empowered

  • Bullet Freak (R) wave count increased. (12/14/16 ⇒ 14/16/18)

Morgana – Strengthened

  • Black Shield (E) cooldown decreased. (26/24/22/20/18 seconds ⇒ 24/22/20/18/16 seconds)

    Karma - Strengthened

    • Base armor increased (26 ⇒ 28) Inspire (E) base shield increased. (80/125/170/215/260 ⇒ 90/135/180/225/270)

    Kog'Maw - Empowered

    • Void Leaker (E) ability power ratio increased. (75/120/165/210/255 (+50% Ability Power) ⇒ 75/120/165/210/255 (+70% Ability Power))

    Singed - Strengthened

    • Damage dealt during Elixir of Madness (R) now inflicts Grievous Wounds.

    Soraka - Strengthened

    • Wish (R) now removes Grievous Wound effects before healing.

    Taliyah - Strengthened

    • Casting Stone Harvest (Q) on Worked Ground now refunds the ability's cooldown.

    • Worked Ground's range (450 ⇒ 300) and duration (45 seconds ⇒ 25 seconds) decreased

    Twitch – Empowered

    • Poison Barrage (R) bonus attack damage increased. (30/45/60 ⇒ 40/55/70)

    Urgot - Strengthened

    • Corrosive Bomb (Q) cooldown and mana cost decreased. (12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8 seconds) (Mana Cost: 80 ⇒ 70)

    Yone - Strengthened

    • Typhoon (W) shield increased per champion hit after the first. (25% of base shield ⇒ 50% of base shield)

    Yuumi - Empowered

    • Nine Health (Passive) cooldown decreased. (18-6 seconds depending on level ⇒ 14-6 seconds depending on level)

    Zed - Empowered

    • Kick the Fallen (Passive) now deals bonus damage to monsters. (Now deals 100% Bonus Damage to monsters (can still deal up to 300 Damage to epic monsters))

    Zoe - Strengthened

    • Evil Sleeping Bubble (E) cooldown decreased. (20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds ⇒ 16/15/14/13/12 seconds)


    ►  LoL's New Champion, Gloomy Vex!



    Organized Champions

    Lillia - Edited

    • Health regen decreased. (1.5 ⇒ 0.5)

    • Health regen growth decreased (0.75 ⇒ 0.55)

    • Dream Branch (Passive) healing from large monsters increased. (18-94 depending on level ⇒ 27-104 depending on level)

    • Blossom (Q) and Carnation (E) cooldowns decreased.
      Q - 5.5 seconds ⇒ 6.5 seconds
      E - 18 seconds ⇒ 16 seconds

    Fizz - Edited

    • Agile Fighter (Passive); Damage reduction against basic attacks 4 (+1% ability power) ⇒ 8 (+2% ability power), damage reduction against other sources unchanged

    • In Seastone Harpoon (W)Damage on hit 10/15/20/25/30 (+35% ability power) ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40 (+35% ability power)

    • Teeth of the Sea (R)
      Small shark damage 150/250/350 (+80% ability power) ⇒ 150/225/300 (+70% ability power) - Big
      shark  damage 225/325/425 (+100% ability power) ⇒ 200/275/350 (+85% ability power)
      Gigalodon damage 300/400/500 (+120% ability power/400) (+250/3100% ability power) ⇒ 250/3100%

      Qiyana – Edited

      • Base attack speed increased. 0.625 ⇒ 0.688

      • Health regen decreased. 1.8 ⇒ 1.5

      • Ixtal Blade/Rage of the Elements (Q) damage to monsters increased. (25% Bonus Damage)

      • The targeting mechanism of the E+Q combo has been changed.

      • Dare (E) base damage decreased. (BASE DAMAGE 60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 50/80/110/140/170)

        Rumble - Edited

        • Junkyard Giant (Passive) bonus attack speed decreased at early levels; now increases with level. (50% ⇒ 20-80% depending on level)

        • Scrap Shield (W) cooldown decreased and is now flat. (7/6.75/6.5/6.25/6 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds)

        Talon - Edited

        • Noxian Diplomacy (Q) base damage decreased late. (65/90/115/140/165 ⇒ 65/85/105/125/145)

        • Cleave (W) now deals bonus damage to monsters. (Now deals 50% bonus damage to monsters.)

        Item Updates in LoL 11.18 Patch


        Item/Rune Updates

        • Wild Hydra's slashing effect no longer activates on turrets.

        • Majestic Hydra's slashing effect no longer activates on turrets.

        • Spear of Umbra
          Cost 2600 ⇒ 2400
          Lethality 12 ⇒ 10

        • Predator
          Movement speed increase duration 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second
          Max movement speed 45% ⇒ 60%


        Bugs Fixed/Quality of Life Updates 

        • Basic Quinn's lines have been reworked to be clearer, cleaner, and up-to-date.

        • Viego is no longer able to craft items using his Passive - Living Hearth ability while capturing Ornn.

        • Fixed the E - Hero Swing ability being blocked when a spell shield on Akshan was broken.

        • Fixed a bug where Akshan was unable to cancel E - Hero Swing while silenced.

        • A dragon or Vale's Herald, Dr. Fixed a bug that caused Mundo to ignore all subsequent crowd control effects of that monster after once breaking the spell shield of Mundo's Passive - Go Anywhere.

        • Fixed a bug where Samira's Q - Showdown was not stealing life when cast during her E - Excitement Peak.

        • Fixed Camille's E - Hookshot ability being canceled when consumables were consumed.

        • Fixed a bug where Shen's Passive - Ki Shield's shield would break if she was hit by a basic attack while inside the W - Spirit's Refuge area.

        • Fixed a bug where Sona's Tear of the Goddess would not gain Mana Charge when empowering an ally with her Q - Hymn of Courage's Melody aura.

        • Fixed a bug where Sona's Q - Hymn of Courage was causing the ability to grant Accelerando stacks even if blocked by a spell shield.

        • Updated Singed's W - Strong Glue tooltip to include a slow percentage.

        • Lucian's R - Execution tooltip no longer includes information about dealing bonus damage to monsters.

        • Ekko's Passive - Z-Capsule Resonance tooltip now includes information to deal bonus damage to jungle monsters.

        • Soraka's E - Equinox tooltip now includes information that only deals damage to enemy champions


        League of Legends | Pentakill III: The Lost Chapter 

        Riot Games has released  the much anticipated Pentakill III Skins for the 7 Champion and the Hextech skin for Tristana in the League of Legends patch notes loop. Pentakill was conceived as a popular death metal band in the LoL universe. Alongside the skins in this patch, their 3rd album Lost Chapter will also be debuting. Each costume will have at least 8 chromas. Pentakill III: Lost Chapter  Champions are;

        • Karthus

        • Kayle

        • Mordekaiser

        • Olaf

        • end

        • Yorick

        • viego

        ♦ Hextech Tristana Skin


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