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LoL Season 13 All Changes: Alchemy Dragon | Upper corridor

LoL Season 13 All Changes: Alchemy Dragon | Upper corridor
Riot Games has announced all pre-season changes ahead of the League of Legends Season 13 launch.

Another year, another season of League of Legends . The acclaimed Riot Games MOBA, reworks for various roles in the 2023 season, the return of the infamous Chemistry Dragon, visual upgrades for certain characters, and tons of new champions are coming to the Rift soon. We've already seen the 2023 preview for the League of Legends 2023 pre-season , and a ton of interesting new content, mechanics, and updates are on the way for Season 13 .

Riot developers use pre-season and new season launches to test and fine-tune existing gameplay, upgrade and change roles, replace buff and nerf champions and items, add new game-changing features to long-standing franchise titles, and often just mix up the League formula. And of course, Season 13 will be no different.


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What's Changing in League of Legends Season 13?

Alchemy Dragon returns with all new buffs


First on the list is the Alchemy Dragon , which has returned to League of Legends Season 13 after a brief hiatus in Season 12 . After being added last year, the zombie spirit quickly faded after it became a huge point of contention in the community.

The new Alchemy Dragon removes all pain points while keeping the identity of powerful buffs at low health: “It will be much easier to play around and work with compared to the old zombie spirit, and it will be close to the buff theme. ” said Patrick Noonan, product lead.

Buffing now gives your team tenacity, healing, and shield power, while Spirit gives you bonus damage as well as damage reduction when below 50% health. Alongside the changes to the Alchemy Dragon, the Rift is undergoing chemistry-themed changes to its appearance, filling it with Zaun chemicals with enhanced effects and mutated jungle plants.

  • Snails now knock units in range twice as far.
  • Life Plums transform into Boost Plums. Players who consume them are no longer slowed and gain some bonus shields alongside the usual healing.
  • The Reconnaissance Flower transforms into the Hunter's Flower. When these plants are hit, they now reveal a small circular area around them and a cone-shaped area opposite the direction they were hit. They grant movement speed to players advancing towards revealed enemy champions and reduce the health of revealed wards to 1.

Forest is undergoing substantial rework


Alchemy Dragon isn't the only jungle change in Season 13. In fact, the whole role is reworked. Riot is trying to make the jungle of League of Legends auto-populated and easier for new players with tons of quality-of-life changes that lower the barrier to entry. This includes adding new jungle monsters, replacing jungle items.

  • Noxian Scared*: This companion will be a favorite with junglers who are considering a more aggressive play. Offers its owner the ability to slow opponents and additional damage.
  • Ixtal Ixemenderi*: This companion will be the choice of junglers considering fighting as the team's tank on the front lines. It will give its owner a shield that changes depending on its health. When the shield is broken, it will grant additional slow resistance and tether.
  • Ionia Cloudwalker*: This companion will be a favorite with junglers looking to travel fast across the map. Grants its owner additional movement speed.

" We acknowledge that there are some veteran jungle players who will be upset by these changes, but once optimized, we think even veteran jungle players will find something they like in the new jungle, " said lead designer Matthew Leung-Harrison .

Top lane changes breathe new life into the role

Top lane is also getting a major overhaul in Season 13 of League of Legends. Top laners will now be champions with the highest gold, highest experience on the map, with changes to single lane experience and mid lane minion gold. This could inspire a new meta of top laners with more resources to play, but more generally, it makes playing lane less of a hassle.

  • Solo Lane Experience: Solo lanes have now 95% experience gained from minions (from 93%).
  • Dual Lane Experience: Dual lanes' bonus XP multiplier from minions will be 22% (from 24.73%).
  • Mid Lane Gold Changes: All mid lane minions killed before 14 minutes now grant 1 Gold less (previously only artillery minions gave less, but the difference was 10 Gold).


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New ping system and communication tools


League of Legends' in-game communication is getting an overhaul in Season 13, but there's no voice chat. The ping system will be expanded with six new pings, and there is a new goal planning tool where players can vote to compete or leave a goal.

Both should help players communicate effectively without having to type into the chat, and also help new players organize their strategies more efficiently.

We want to give players new tools to better fit in with their teammates, ” says Patrick Noonan.

New install suggestions for abilities, rune pages

Continuing the trend of quality of life changes, Riot is expanding its in-game offerings to skill level upgrades, rune pages, and summoner spells in League of Legends Season 13.

If you're not sure what to do with a particular champion or you're running out of time before loading into the game, you can choose from several different rune pages based on their high elo stats. While in-game, the game will recommend the best skill for you to level up by following the same machine learning formula.

Both can be disabled or ignored for old players, but will help new players significantly.

Tank and fighter item overhaul

The last big change coming in League of Legends Season 13 is an item overhaul for tanks and warriors. Alongside the top lane changes, this should give some of the role's champions more ways to identify items.

The Centennial Stick and the Spear of Shojin are two returning items, while Icathia's Fortitude, Luminous Virtue, and Giant's Verdict are all new in MOBA. Both Sunfire Shield and Turbo Chemical Tank items have been reduced from their Glorious status; The Iceborn Gauntlet, Infernal Mask, Ferocious Hydra, and Randuin's Herald have also been significantly reworked.

When does League of Legends Season 13 start?

League of Legends Season 13 will kick off with the launch of LoL patch 12.22 on November 16, 2022, with nearly two months of pre-season testing awaited. The season 13 ranked season will air in early January 2022.

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