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LoL Udyr Rework 2022: New Abilities, Skins

LoL Udyr Rework 2022: New Abilities, Skins
Riot Games has revealed all the details for the highly anticipated Udyr rework of 2022.

Udyr has been considered one of the worst champions in  League of Legends , due to his very basic kit and an old base model that has hardly been touched since season 1 . Even though Riot gave Udyr a minor VFX update in season 10, its presence didn't make much of an impact and as always, it was only picked up by a small number of Udyr players. Outside of the Turbo Chemtank meta, Udyr hasn't had much success in pro gaming. The number one request from League of Legends players was to give Udyr a full-blown rework where he could compete with modern champions like Aphelios, Zeri, Viego, and more .

As demand grew, Riot eventually created a VGU survey, and as a result, Spirit Walker Udyr received the requested rework. So much so that Riot later confirmed that they've heard "clear and clear" words from players and will bring Udyr up to modern champion standards.


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LoL's Much-Awaited Remaster Completed; Udyr Rework Abilities

After months of waiting, Riot Games has officially announced all the changes for the 2022 Udyr rework . Fiddlesticks and Dr. As a full-scale rework similar to Mundo, Udyr will now have a complete overhauled set with updated skins and opening images.

Passive - Spiritual Bridge

  • Spirit Awakening: Udyr has four basic abilities that change his stance. He can awaken his active stance by reusing at regular intervals to gain additional effects. This effect has a cooldown that is shared between stances.
  • Monk Teachings: When Udyr takes a stance or awakens a stance, his next two attacks gain attack speed and refund some of his awakening cooldown.

Q - Wild Claw

  • Udyr gains instant attack speed and his next two attacks deal bonus physical damage.
  • Awaken: Udyr's attack speed is increased, and his next two attacks create a lightning bolt that bounces up to 6 times. This lightning bolt can hit the same target multiple times and deals high damage only to targets.

W - Iron Hide

  • Udyr gains a shield and heals his next two attacks.
  • Wake Up: Udyr gains a larger shield, his next two attacks heal more health, and restore a percentage of his max health over a few seconds.

E - Flame Charge

  • Udyr gains an instant movement speed increase. While in this stance, Udyr's first attack on a target dashes a short distance and stuns the target (this effect has a cooldown per unit).
  • Awake: Udyr gains increased movement speed and briefly gains crowd control immunity.

R - Winged Whirlwind

  • Udyr summons a whirlwind that temporarily slows and damages nearby enemies. His next two attacks spread a wave of damage from the whirlwind, dealing bonus magic damage.
  • Awaken: Udyr unleashes the whirlwind. The whirlwind deals bonus damage and follows nearby enemies.

Udyr Rework Skins

Here are all the new and updated Udyr Rework skin teasers:

Primitive Udyr


I'm Animal Udyr


Dragon Oracle Udyr


Blackbelt Udyr


Spirit Guard Udyr


When is Udyr Rework coming out?

The highly anticipated Udyr rework will be coming to PBE very soon for testing. And the full Udyr rework will be officially released in League of Legends patch 12.16, scheduled for release on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 .

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