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LoL's New Champion, Gloomy Vex!

LoL's New Champion, Gloomy Vex!
We are about to arrive at a new stop in the update cycle in League of Legends. One of the stars of this update is the 157th Champion, the Gloomy Mage, Vex.

When we look at the world of LoL, we can say that there are many characters that can be considered sweet. For example, a furry little fairy race called the Yordle is one of them. And Vex is one of those Yordles. Sweetly sweet, but the Gloomy Vex is a little different from the others. There is a huge shadow friend accompanying this tiny sweet wizard. His own abilities, on the other hand, seem dangerous, especially from long range. We've been waiting for League of Legends' newest champion, Vex , since the Guardians of the Light event. Now, with patch 11.18, it will finally join the family.

League of Legends Vex Abilities and Corridor

As can be seen from the promotional video , Vex will not come to the world of League of Legends very peacefully. “Color? Is it happiness? Do you care? What's the point...” The character's Shadow, introduced with the description, attacks his opponents from afar. We don't know yet if this Shadow is taking over or attacking his opponents. But we can see that Vex is much bigger than he is. Even though their names are not yet known, what Vex is capable of is clearly understood from the published promotional video.

LoL Vex Q Ability

Vex's Q is made up of a gigantic spirit we call the Shadow, accelerating and attacking his opponent. This ability has a wide range, and we think it's an area-based spell rather than locking onto a specific target.

LoL Vex W Ability

Vex's W is used to mark an enemy while controlling their shadows. Shadows envelop the enemy, causing the enemy to approach towards Vex, briefly weakening him from fear. We think it can be a deadly move when crowd control is required in team matches.


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LoL Vex E Ability

The Gloomy Mage Vex can use his E to open a portal on the ground. All enemies within range of this portal are briefly weakened and frozen by the fear effect.

LoL Gloomy Vex Ultimate

The Champion's Ultimate ability is to cast shadows on his opponents from afar. As you can see, Vex first terrorizes his opponents with shadows and then teleports himself onto his enemies. It looks like this ability can be used more than once. This is a sign that Vex can clear the ground by jumping between low-health enemies.

Which lane will Vex play in?

We think Vex would be a mid laner if Riot Games hadn't made an official announcement about where the new Champion will be deployed. Considering that Champion Akshan, who was introduced before Vex , deals physical damage in mid lane, it seems likely that Gloomy Sorcerer will also deal magic damage in mid lane.

League of Legends Champion Vex Skins


In addition to his standard appearance, Vex has at least one more skin, as we can see from the trailer. There was no statement from Riot Games regarding the Champion's skins. But we expect Vex to have at least one different skin for players to choose from.

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