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Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Visual Improvements

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Visual Improvements
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, scheduled for release in May as a Mass Effect trilogy, received many innovations and visual improvements. We have provided a visual comparison in the table in our article so that you can better understand the visual improvements. Details are in the article.

Developed by BioWare with assistance from Abstraction Games and Blind Squirrel Games , Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is an upcoming compilation of video games from the original Mass Effect trilogy . The developer company, after many years, the original Mass Effect trio ; It has been reworked and given a new texture to the game before it falls into the old game category, adding improved graphics systems, improved character textures, better lighting, shaders and environmental art. With the visual arrangements they have made, the game has been adapted to today's era and there is a possibility of different changes in the future.

Tweets shared on the official Mass Effect Twitter account compare how far the graphics have come and how they look on Virmire. Players will notice that the lighting has been greatly improved in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition and the level of environmental detail has also been increased.

To give you a better idea of ​​how much this image editing and enhancement is, we've included a few comparative images in our article. You can view these images from the table below. Since the original Mass Effect made the most of the remaster in terms of updated character models and effects, we've only compiled screenshots from the game in the table. In this way, you will be able to see the clearest and best view possible and you will be able to understand the difference more clearly. However, there are direct eye-catching visual improvements in the Legendary Edition that you can see effective for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 as well.

For convenience, all screenshots on the left side of the comparison are from the original series, the PC version of the game, and the ones on the right are from the Legendary Edition, the upgraded version. No specific ordering is provided when compiling the screenshots.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Visual Enhancement Chart

                                     Original                                                             Legendary Edition 


Mass Effect Legendary Edition is scheduled to be released for Xbox One, PS4, and PC in May. Alongside the Legendary Edition , BioWare is working on a fifth Mass Effect, which serves as a direct sequel to Dragon Age 4 and a remake of Anthem, excluding the original three series . However, EA Anthem's decision is awaited to decide whether it is still a project worth more resources.

►  Click to buy Mass Effect Legendary Edition now!

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