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Meta's Strongest and Most Loved Overwatch Characters

Meta's Strongest and Most Loved Overwatch Characters
We have listed the most chosen and strongest Overwatch characters for you. Let's take a look at these characters that have become fan favorites among 32 heroes.

If you are wondering which Overwatch characters are the most powerful and most loved overwatch characters, you are at the right place. Both tank , damage-oriented and support heroes will be together in this list. Overwatch (2016), which includes 32 playable heroes, is an old game, but still has a large player base. In order to give players an idea, we will talk about the most selected characters that are currently in the meta and the features that make them so powerful. If you're ready, let's take a look at the Overwatch heroes on our list .

Most Preferred Overwatch Heroes

1- Reinhardt (Tank)


Reinhardt, the hero of Overwatch , who is almost a tank in human form, is on the list. Thanks to the wide shield he uses, he can protect his teammates from incoming blows and shots until the shield is broken. And this feature puts him at an important point in team fights.

He also has too much damage potential to be underestimated. The ability to remove opponents from the battlefield and inflict great damage with his "Charge" ability makes it a tank you don't want to mess with.

2- Main (Support)


Among the Overwatch characters , Ana, one of the most difficult heroes to master despite all the changes, is on this list with a high selection rate. Ana's healing ability is proportional to the player's aiming ability. The reward for hitting your teammates with the darts fired by your gun is great, but it takes time to get used to it in the fast pace of the game.

As hard as her skill set is to get used to, once you get used to and master playing Ana, you may begin to think you're playing arguably the best supporting character in the game.

3- McCree (Damage)


The McCree is perfect for anyone looking to increase the potential of the damage you need on your team. The kit is very useful in close duels and for knocking the opposing team's fragile heroes out of battle.

Similar to Ana, since the hero is all about aiming, players have to give his gameplay time and get used to it if they want to play McCree effectively.

4- Moira (Support)


Moira's power to heal her team makes her an indispensable support in competitive matches. His abilities have low cooldowns and the hero has sufficient mobility, allowing you to consider him a reliable support alternative for your team.

Moira shows her influence in the game better alongside supporting characters like Ana and Mercy. It is important to fit these characters into your team composition.

5- Genji (Damage)


Genji is one of the heroes of Overwatch that is difficult to get used to and master. But it can also be quite rewarding if you take your time and spend time on it. His incredible mobility and ability to do high damage make him one of the best offensive Overwatch heroes .

Use Genji to take advantage of his double jump and wall run to hunt down opponents and get out of battle. Enter quickly, exit quickly, but be careful when doing so. Genji can be fragile as well as having high damage.

6- Zarya (Tank)


Unlike other tank characters in Overwatch, Zarya has no trouble dealing with damage. His passive is what makes him such a powerful tank. Zarya's awesome passive increases her own damage as the damage her shields absorb.

As you use Zarya, you can figure out how it works and play effectively in a short time. If the opposing team's tanks house Zarya and Reinhardt, fasten your seat belts because the battle will be grueling.

These are the strongest and most loved Overwatch characters . We recommend checking out these heroes to turn the battle into your team's advantage.

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