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Milio Joins League of Legends in Patch Notes 13.6

Milio Joins League of Legends in Patch Notes 13.6
League of Legends 13.6 patch notes bring new champion Milio and update to the game. New Fairy Court skin skins are also making their way to the valley.

League of Legends 13.6 patch notes bring new champion Milio and updateto the gameNew Fairy Court skin skins are also making their way to the valley.

So far, not much has changed in LoL 13.6 apart from the introduction of Milio. However, once Riot Games starts adding and announcing information, we will update this article accordingly.

Milio joins League of Legends in LoL 13.6

Milio is the enthusiastic, fun-loving new addition to League of Legends. Coming from a remote village on the border of Ixtal, where his family was exiled generations ago, Milio takes on this role in a unique way.

Like the standard mage in the support role, Milio's abilities are always looking for ways to help his teammates get safe kills or get out of awkward situations.

  • Passive – Fragment of Fire
    Milio's abilities enchant allies he comes in contact with, causing their next damaging abilities or attacks to deal additional burst damage and incinerate the target.
  • Q - Super Power Fire Shot
    Milio kicks a ball, knocking his opponent back. The ball bounces behind the target it hits, dealing damage and slowing enemies in the area of ​​effect.
  • W - Warm Campfire
    Milio creates a buff area that heals allies and increases their attack range. Alan follows the closest teammate to the usage point.
  • E - Fright Lap
    Milio shields an ally, temporarily granting them movement speed.
  • R - Flame of Life
    Milio unleashes a wave of incandescent flame that heals allies in range and removes crowd control effects on them.


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LoL Fairy Court Champion Skins

As always, with a new patch, new skins are added to the game for players to enjoy; A costume from the Fairy Court collection and the Ash Knight series. There are a total of eight skins available for players to enjoy in the LoL 13.6 patch.

Kalista, Ezreal, Seraphine, Karma, Fiora, Katarina and newly released Milio will be decked out with vibrant and sparkling features and hues. Katarina will also receive the Prestige Edition.

Fairy Court KalistaFairy Court Fiora
Fairy Court KatarinaFairy Court Katarina Prestige
Fairy Court KarmaFairy Court Milio
Fairy Court SeraphineFairy Court Ezreal

Ashen Guardian Shen will be priced at 100 BC (Majestic Essence). The look also comes with a chroma priced at 40 BC. Most skins are expected to cost 1350 RP, while Fairy Court Karma is expected to cost 1820 RP . Katarina's Prestige Edition, like its predecessors, is expected to cost either Magnificent Essence or Event Tokens.

When is the LoL 13.6 patch update coming out?

According to  the League of Legends Season 13 patch calendar , 13.6 notes will be released on Wednesday, March 22, 2023. Once the patch is released, players will be able to enjoy numerous new skins, events, as well as numerous buffs, nerfs, and general changes to the patch notes.

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TAGS: League of Legends yama lol lol rp lol rp fiyatları en ucuz lol rp satın al en ucuz lol rp indirimli lol rp lol kostüm indirimi lol rp satın al ucuz lol rp satın al lol rp al indirimli lol rp satın al lol rp ucuz satın al lol rp indirimli satın al indirimli lol rp al lol Kostüm İndirimleri League Of Legends kostüm indirimleri lol yama lol yama notu League of Legends yama notları Lol yama notları league of legends yama notu lol yaması league of legends yamalar lol katarina lol yama notları 11.10 league of legends kostüm LoL yama notları takvimi League of Legends yama notları takvimi lol kostüm lol kostümler league of legends kostümler League of Legends kostümleri League of Legends kostüm koleksiyonları LoL yama takvimi League of Legends yama takvimi League of Legends skinleri LoL skin LoL skinleri LoL Kalista LoL Seraphine League of legends 13. sezon League of Legends 13. sezon ödülleri LoL yama notları 2023 LoL yama notları 2023 tarihleri LoL yama notları 2023 ne zaman LoL yama notları 2023 takvim LoL yama notları 2023 takvimi LoL yama notları 2023 tarihler League of Legends yama takvimi 2023 League of Legends 13. Sezon Yama Tarihleri LoL Milio LoL Milio ne zaman LoL Milio ne zaman çıkıyor LoL Milio ne zaman çıkacak LoL yama takvimi 2023 LoL yama notları takvimi 2023 LoL milio yetenekleri LoL milio yetenek seti LoL milio yetenek kiti LoL milio ultisi LoL milio ulti yeteneği lol yama notu 2023 LoL 13.6 LoL 13.6 yama LoL 13.6 yama notları LoL 13.6 yaması LoL 13.6 yama notları ne zaman çıkıyor LoL 13.6 yama notları ne zaman çıkacak LoL 13.6 yama notları çıkış tarihi LoL 13.6 yama güncellemesi League of Legends 13. Sezon yama takvimi LoL kostüm satın al LoL Peri Mahkemesi Karma LoL Peri Mahkemesi Ezreal LoL Katarina Prestij Sürüm LoL Kül Şövalyesi Shen LoL Kalista skin LoL Ezreal skin LoL Ezreal LoL Seraphine skin LoL Karma LoL Karma skin LoL Fiora LoL Fiora skin LoL Katarina skin LoL Milio skin LoL Milio şampiyon kostümü LoL Milio kostüm

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