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Most Selected Agents by Your Valorant Ranking | 2023

Most Selected Agents by Your Valorant Ranking | 2023
We have compiled the most selected agents of Valorant according to your current rank status for you.

We have compiled the most selected agents of Valorant according to your current rank status for you. Riot Games stepped into the FPS genre with the release of Valorant. This game is a tactical 5v5 shooter where agents' skills meet precision gunplay mechanics. The game is inspired by both CS:GO's FPS mechanics and Overwatch's hero-shooter elements.

Currently, more than 20 million players play Valorant every month . 

Eight different game modes are available: Valorant, Unranked, Competitive, Full Throttle, Spike Rush, Survival, Climb, and Custom Play; The most popular of these is Competitive Mode, which determines your skill rank.

Valorant Ranking and Most Preferred Characters

Valorant has a special game mode called Competitive. This mode is also known as Ranked , where players are placed in a specific rank based on their skills, MMR points , and Rating.

Owning the competitive mode is an opportunity to experience the exciting and challenging experience of the Valorant matchmaking system against opponents of similar skill level. If you're new to the game, you need to play a certain number of Unrated matches to unlock Competitive mode and get a certain rank.

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All Valorant ranks

There are 9 different rank levels in Valorant. However, the Radiant level is a special ranking category and can only be reached by the top 500 players from each region . Each rank, except the radiant level, has three sub-tiers.

Previously, Valorant had a total of 22 rank levels, but Riot Games recently added a new rank level called Exaltation , starting from Episode 5 Act 1. Thus, a total of 25 different rank levels are currently available in Valorant.

  • Iron 1-2-3
  • Bronze 1-2-3
  • Silver 1-2-3
  • Gold 1-2-3
  • Platinum 1-2-3
  • Diamond 1-2-3
  • Sublime 1-2-3
  • Immortality 1-2-3
  • Radiant

How many characters are there in total in Valorant?

Currently in Season 6 of Episode 2, Valorant has a total of 21 playable agents. Each character has their own unique abilities and traits . Also, agents take on different roles.

Valorant dueling agents: They lead attacks and are critical for entering an area.

  • Phoenix, Reyna, Jett, Raze, Yoru and Neon

Valorant lead agents: The lead agents' main role is to gather information for their teammates.

  • Breach, Sova, Skye, KAY/O, Fade

Valorant scout agents: Scouts are primarily defenders. Their abilities help them lock down areas and repel enemy attacks. 

  • Sage, Cypher, Killjoy and Chamber

Control specialists: Attempts to block the opposing team's entryways and line of sight. The smokes they can provide are extremely useful on both the offensive and defensive side of the match.

  • Omen, Viper, Brimstone, Astra and Harbor

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Top rated Valorant agents at all ranks 2023

We have compiled the most preferred characters in different degrees in March 2023 for you. We will also list the popularity of the 21 agents available in Valorant in all 9 ranks.

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8Phoenix Brimstone  Brimstone  Brimstone  Brimstone  Brimstone sovacypherviper
10sovasovasovasovavipercypher Brimstone Breachsage
13 Brimstone skyefadeskyeskyefadeastraviperskye

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TAGS: Valorant oyna VALORANT VP SATIN AL indirimli valorant vp satın al valorant vp Valorant Ajanları Valorant Gözcü Ajanlar Valorant dereceli sistemi Valorant Kontrol Uzmanları ucuz Valorant VP satın al valorant ajan valorant ajanlar indirimli valorant vp en iyi valorant ajanları Valorant oyun modları valorant vp al Valorant Valorant vp satın al Valorant Öncü ajanlar Valorant Öncü ajanlar Valorant Derecelendirilmemiş modu indirimli valorant vp al ucuz valorant vp al valorant vp fiyatları Valorant oyun modu Valorant Derecesiz Valorant Derecesiz mod Valorant Derecesiz oyun modu Valorant Derecesiz sistemi Valorant vp indirimli Valorant rank Valorant rank sistemi Valorant rank sıralaması Valorant rankları Valorant rank öğrenme Valorant rank nereden bakılır Valorant rank sistemi nasıl Valorant rank sistemi nasıl işliyor Valorant rank sistemi yeni Valorant rank sistemi nasıl çalışır Valorant rank dağılımı Valorant rütbeler Valorant rütbe Valorant rütbe sistemi Valorant rütbe sistemi nasıl çalışır Valorant rütbe nasıl açılır Valorant rütbe nereden bakılır Valorant rütbeler hepsi Valorant ranked sistemi nedir Valorant mmr Valorant mmr nedir Valorant mmr hesaplama Valorant mmr öğrenme Valorant mmr sistemi valorant yücelik rankı valorant yücelik rankı nedir valorant yücelik rankı nasıl işliyor valorant yücelik rankına nasıl çıkılır valorant vp indirimli satın al Valorant vp fiyatları 2023 Valorant ajanları 2023 En İyi Valorant Ajanları valorant en çok seçilen ajanlar valorant en çok seçilen ajanlar 2023 Valorant’ın en çok seçilen ajanları Valorant’ın en çok seçilen ajanları 2023 Tüm Valorant rütbeleri Tüm Valorant rütbeleri 2023 Valorant Rank Sıralaması 2023 Valorant en iyi 500 oyuncu Valorant Demir Valorant Demir hesap Valorant Bronz Valorant Bronz hesap Valorant Gümüş Valorant Gümüş hesap Valorant Altın Valorant Altın hesap Valorant Platin Valorant Platin hesap Valorant Elmas Valorant Elmas hesap Valorant Yücelik Valorant Ölümsüzlük Valorant Ölümsüzlük rank Tüm kademelerde en çok seçilen Valorant ajanları 2023 sıralamada en çok seçilen Valorant ajanları 2023 valorant ajan sıralaması valorant ajan sıralaması 2023 en çok seçilen valorant ajanları en çok seçilen valorant ajanları 2023 Valorant en çok oynanan ajanlar Valorant en çok oynanan ajanlar 2023
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