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Dead by Daylight | The 10 Most Powerful Killers

Dead by Daylight | The 10 Most Powerful Killers
All Dead by Daylight killers are different, but each with unique advantages and abilities to terrorize survivors in their own terrifying way.

Dead by Daylight has expanded its roster of killers significantlyover the yearsOriginally starting with just three people, the roster now numbers an impressive 33 killers and monsters. This includes original creations as well as licensed killers, leading to speculation as to who the game's most powerful killer is.

There is a difference between who is the strongest in the game and who is canonically strongest. New maps and balance fixes mean the strongest killer to play may be constantly changing, but who are the most universally powerful of both the game and licensed killers? We compiled it for you, enjoy reading. 

The Most Powerful Dead By Daylight Killers

10) The Hag


Witch Lisa Sherwood is potentially one of the most powerful killers in Dead by Daylight , and her past far outweighs her performance. Thanks to the knowledge of magic passed down from his family, he can manipulate luck, control mud, teleport, and possibly more.

Before she had the opportunity to fully explore her magical abilities, Lisa was kidnapped by cannibals and made a deal with The Entity for her freedom. If he hadn't been focused on hunting down Survivors, it's unclear how powerful he would have been, or perhaps even eventually been able to take on The Entity.

9) The Blight


Talbot Grimes, better known as The Blight, is responsible for some truly incredible feats. His serum transformed him into a ferocious beast capable of reaching incredible speeds. His knowledge goes deeper than that, with the developers stating that he has been given special permissions by The Entity and can even use some of its power for himself. Since The Entity is the creature behind all the Killers games, that's a truly insane amount of power that one man can access.

What sells his real power is that he's responsible for the other killers' Blighted costumes; This shows his ability to experiment on them without any consequences to himself. The only thing that makes his true power unclear is that not every killer has a Blighted suit, making it difficult to assess his whereabouts.

8) Michael Myers


Michael Myers is called The Shape in Dead By Daylight as an homage to the original film. Whether or not Michael Myers is immortal is a matter of some speculation and will ultimately depend on whichever Halloween movie is watched last. In some movies, he really can't be killed; Some are extremely difficult to kill.

Regardless of his exact nature, Michael Myers is considered a symbol of evil and is a nearly unstoppable force. What is known for sure is that he does not follow the rules set by The Entity and is able to kill Survivors at his own will. As it turns out, not even extra-dimensional spider creatures can stop Michael Myers.

7) The Mastermind


Albert Wesker is often nominated for most iconic video game villain, and for good reason. A living bioweapon, Wesker features enhanced strength, speed, durability, agility, regeneration ability, and the ability to transform into more monstrous forms.

However, it's called Mastermind for a reason. Wesker is perhaps best known for his intelligence and long-term plotting. How this advantage compares to the supernatural abilities of other killers is up to you, but his sharp intelligence is many times higher than most in-game.  

6) The Demogorgon


While the Demogorgon from Stranger Things is no longer available for purchase in-game, it is still playable for those who already purchased it before the licensing deal expired. This includes remaining an incredibly powerful being, durability, a healing factor, and more.

The most dangerous ability he possesses is the ability to create rifts in space, tunnel into the Upside Down, and ambush victims; even when victims feel safe. Although the Demogorgons seem to have lost this ability in later seasons of the series, the Demogorgon in Dead By Daylight still makes use of portals and is among the most powerful killers in the game.

5) The Xenomorph


The Xenomorph of Alien fame is one of the deadliest alien life forms known in all media. This iconic alien is strong, fast and durable. They can easily climb walls or ceilings, have a deadly tail and corrosive blood. They are particularly disturbing because of their intelligence. Those who can use machines and predict human behavior qualify for the top of the food chain.

4) The Dredge


The Dredge is unique in that there is not a single creature or human among the killers in Dead By Daylight. Instead, The Dredge is an amalgamation of the dark thoughts of a tortured community. It coalesced into a black mist, dragging those who helped create it into its darkness, and formed a physical form from their body parts.

In addition to being arguably the most visually disturbing killer on the list, The Dredge also possesses a number of supernatural abilities. He can teleport and detect the location of others. More impressively, he can alter the nature of the realms created by The Entity, causing darkness to fall upon them. While there are still many questions about his nature and how one can defeat him, The Dredge is one of the game's original most impressive killers when it comes to power.

3) Pyramid Head


The true symbol of Silent Hill 2 is the Pyramid Head, a manifestation of protagonist James Sunderland's feelings of pain and guilt. Superhumanly strong and ruthless, Pyramid Head cannot rest until he carries out the punishment. He cannot be rationally contacted or appeased and is effectively immortal.

As an embodied part of the human psyche, Pyramid Head cannot be killed or stopped until its summoner confronts his past actions. But in Dead By Daylight, Pyramid Head doesn't punish anyone in particular, meaning we can never put him to rest.

2) The Cenobite


More commonly referred to as Pinhead, the Cenobite is an extra-dimensional being dedicated to exploring pain and suffering in all its forms. Able to summon chains to trials, Pinhead is an effective and creative killer.

What really proves Pinhead's power is that The Entity didn't challenge him to the trials. Staying true to his appearance in the Hellraiser movie, Pinhead is summoned when someone completes The Lament Configuration puzzle box. The fact that the Cenobite can freely come and go from the realms of The Entity, and even take survivors with him in the Mori animation, shows just how powerful he truly is.

1) The Nightmare


A Nightmare on Elm Street stands as one of the true giants of the horror movie genre, along with Halloween and Friday the 13th, and that's largely thanks to the iconic Freddy Kreuger. With his tanned face, fedora, striped shirt, and clawed glove, Freddy is known for the unique way he hunts his victims in their dreams.

As a dream demon, Freddy can never truly be killed and has near-total control over his victims while they sleep. Kreuger is a rare example of a killer who is so overwhelmingly powerful that The Entity has to place restrictions on him, diminishing his abilities and keeping him captive. If Freddy manages to reach his full power, we better hope we wake up screaming, or we won't wake up at all.

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