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New Forza Motorsport Announced for Xbox Series X and PC

New Forza Motorsport Announced for Xbox Series X and PC
The new game will come for Xbox Series X and of course PC, details are in the article.
Microsoft announced a new Forza Motorsport game during the Xbox Series X event in July . Developed by Turn 10 Studios , the new game in Microsoft 's racing series will be called simply Forza Motorsport , instead of the numbered naming convention. Forza Motorsport will take full advantage of Xbox Series X hardware , which offers 4K resolution at 60 frames per second and ray tracing to give racers the most realistic visuals ever .

Important statements about the game will come again in the past, for now, a release date has not been specified yet, and Microsoft noted that Forza Motorsport is "in development". The new Forza Motorsport is a reimagining of the series built from the ground up for new hardware. Forza Motorsport will be released on Xbox Series X and PC . It will also be available on Xbox Game Pass for subscribers on day one. This will be the first Forza Motorsport game in three years following 2017's Forza Motorsport 7.

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