New Showdown Maps for Red Dead Redemption 2

New Showdown Maps for Red Dead Redemption 2
New Showdown maps and new modes are waiting for you, details are in the article.
Developer Rockstar Games is adding four new maps to the series featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 's online mode, and we see each player armed with just a handful of Throwing Knives at the start of each round. Joining this week's highlights series or any other Showdown mod will give you double the XP until April 13. The Overrun game mode takes place in the arid climates of Pike's Basin and you must capture and protect the most areas to ensure your victory. By the way, Stillwater Creek is for Plunder, as in this mode you will need to take unclaimed loot and return it to your team's home base to outrun your opponents.

Roanoke Valley, just north of the Annesburg Mines, is home to Spoils of War. In this mode, you have to defend your own stock from enemies while simultaneously stealing their loot. Whoever wins the most will be the leader. Finally, there's Up In Smoke, which sees the calm and winding waters of Kamassa Rivers as the backdrop for an explosive game mode that sees each player begin to carry a pack. Your goal is to deliver this package to the enemy camp without being killed, with the team that delivered the most packages to destroy the enemy's base. Rockstar says the new maps will roll out to two more Showdown modes in the next few weeks. Also Grand Theft Auto V developer Rockstaris also donating 5% of all proceeds from purchases made in GTA Online and Red Dead Online to help local communities and businesses affected by the impact of COVID-19 .

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