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New Skins in LoL Worlds 2021: Nightbringer and Dawnbringer

New Skins in LoL Worlds 2021: Nightbringer and Dawnbringer
It's time for another World Championship in League of Legends. And we can't think of a better way to celebrate this with in-game events. Here are the brand new Nightbringer and Dawnbringer skins.

When we look at the previous events and costumes, we can say that League of Legends acts in line with a "ying-yang" principle. Disaster versus Guardians of the Light is an example of this. We can even count the costumes in the Space Adventure event as an example. Now we will witness a struggle between Gece and Dawn. But this time, not as an in-game event. The Nightbringer and Dawnbringer event will appear as part of the LoL Worlds 2021 celebrations. The skins for this event have already been confirmed and more information about the event is coming to us from both official sources and leak sources.

League of Legends Worlds 2021 Start Date

We expect LoL Worlds to launch on October 5th . We anticipate thatthe skins will be released on this date or 1 week ago on Sep 22nd , i.e. in patch 11.19 in the next update cycleEven though the Night and Dawn skins have been confirmed, we know they're still in the testing phase. Keep your eyes on the calendar, skins and other in-game content!

Jarvan IV Skin in LoL Worlds 2021

One of the skins that has been finalized in the LoL Worlds 2021 event is for Jarvan IV . Apart from that, there will also be many missions within the LoL Worlds 2021 event for players to complete. You can win various prizes if you choose the winning side in this event, which is highly likely to be Dawn vs. Night. Besides, there will be quests related to the World Championship and events you can earn if you watch the broadcasts, so stay tuned.

Which Champions Will Get LoL Nightbringer and Dawnbringer Skins?

Riot Games has released a 30-second teaser titled "Dividing Fate", introducing the new skins. In the released video, we see Kayn and Yone fighting. Interestingly enough, Kayn's Dark and Shadow Assassin forms appear to have changed colors in the new skins. Yone is shown as a mixture of night and dawn.


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Here are all the Champions with new skins:

Nightbringer / Bud of the Night Lillia


Nightbringer / Night Fury Tryndamere


Nightbringer / Scythe of the Night Kayn


Kayn will have two skins, the Scythe of the Night and the Scythe of the Night Prestige . Even though it's been 1,000 days since Kayn joined the LoL universe as a Champion, we think Kayn has been a big hit since he'll be getting his first skins at this event.

Dawnbringer / Wings of Dawn Morgana


Dawnbringer / Spirit of the Dawn Yone


Dawnbringer / Shadow of Dawn Vex


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