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New Skye Vulnerability Found in Valorant

New Skye Vulnerability Found in Valorant
Skye players can use the Trailblazer Bug to unlock Teleporter doors on the Valorant Bind map.

 Skye in Valorant is very similar to Cypher in Act 2 . In the Final Act , Cypher was used to use reconnaissance vehicles to do more than confirm enemy positions. His camera had an exploit that would go through when placed at an angle to Bind's transporter gates. The player would then be able to remotely control the door mechanism simply by moving the camera.

The video above shows how crazy the exploit is, and Riot Games patched it in an update shortly after.

However, Skye now appears to have joined the ranks of "the most broken reconnaissance agent" instead. In a recently discovered exploit, it appears that Trailblazer Wolf not only opens the teleport doors, but can pass through them in Ascent.

However, it should be noted that while the exploits are incredible as they may seem, they are not the most practical way to use the skill kit. Unlike the Cypher camera, Skye's Trailblazer Wolf cannot be repeated and the ability cannot be refreshed after a while.

As such, the exploit is highly situational, but indeed the game can be won when all conditions are met.

Exploiting the Skye Trailblazer vulnerability in Valorant

The YouTube video above from KARSN // Valorant details how to use the Skye Trailblazer exploit on both Bind and Ascent .

However, most of the Valorant community remains confused as to whether this exploit is a bug or something  Riot intended.



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