New Valorant Battlepass Missions

New Valorant Battlepass Missions
Click here to learn about the new Valorant battle pass missions and XP rewards.

Valorant Chapter 4 Part 1 is out, bringing with it loads of new content; Most of this content came with a new battle pass with both premium and free optionsThe Valorant 2022 season has finally kicked off with the Episode 4 update, adding a brand new skin pack, Protocol 781-A, to the meta, along with the much-anticipated agent Neon , as well as a lot of cosmetic content found in the battle pass.

Valorant has been a huge hit since its release in 2020, thanks to its unique blend of tactical shooting mechanics and skill-based gameplay, and a wide array of incredible looking cosmetics that convinced the playerbase to truly finish the game.

Now the latest Valorant battle pass includes dozens of weapon skins, weapon charms, player cards, and a wide variety of cosmetics in the form of sprays. However, gaining XP (Experience Points) is required to access these items.


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Valorant Chapter 4 Part 1 Battlepass Quests

Battlepass has a multi-layered system similar to every modern live service game. But the only problem is that players will have to spend a lot of time to finish them. Valorant offers a variety of weekly quests that earn lots of experience points to help finish the battle pass faster.

Battlepass Quest for Week 1:

  • Play 150 rounds (25480 XP)
  • Buy 100 items (25480 XP)
  • Use 25 ultimates (25480 XP)

Battlepass Quest for Week 2:

  • Deal 18000 damage (27440 XP)
  • Play 10 games (27440 XP)
  • Use 200 abilities (27440 XP)

Battlepass Quest for Week 3:

  • Disarm team/Place 20 Spikes (27440 XP)
  • Get 50 headshots (27440 XP)
  • Kill 100 enemies (27440 XP)

Battlepass Quest for Week 4:

  • Use 200 abilities (27440 XP)
  • Play 150 rounds (27440 XP)
  • Use 25 abilities (27440 XP)

Battlepass Quest for Week 5:

  • Disarm team/Place 20 Spikes (29400 XP)
  • Kill 100 enemies (29400 XP)
  • Play 10 games (29400 XP)

Battlepass Quest for Week 6:

  • 45 headshots (29400 XP)  
  • Buy 100 items (29400 XP)
  • Use 25 ultimates (29400 XP)

Battlepass Quest for Week 7:

  • Deal 18000 damage (29400 XP)
  • Play 150 rounds (29400 XP)
  • Use 200 abilities (29400 XP) 

Completing these missions will reward you with XP to help you advance your battle pass. Upgrading the battle pass in Valorant is quite simple; All you have to do is keep playing the game. You will earn XP for each match you complete.

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