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New World Expedition Guide: “Starstone Barrows”

New World Expedition Guide: “Starstone Barrows”
You can find out about the New World dungeon list, level requirements and boss fights in the New World dungeon/expedition guide.

One of the numerous activities to be done in the New World is " dungeons (expeditions) ", that is, dungeons . There are almost countless activities in the game that you can engage in. You can explore the open world, collect materials, fight monsters, participate in PvP battles , or even become a host.

Expeditions, on the other hand, are perfect for players who love to fight and kill bosses in the New World. We will talk about the dungeons that can be entered with certain items at certain levels and their rewards. If you are ready, let's take a closer look at the New World dungeons together.

How to Enter Dungeons in New World


Proceed through the Main Story


To unlock the New World dungeons , you have to progress up to the quest “Destiny Unearthed” in the main storyline. Reaching this quest unlocks "The Amrine Excavation", the first dungeon in the game.

You Must Obtain "Tuning Orb"


To participate in dungeons, at least one player from your party must have a tuning orb compatible with the dungeon you are entering. You can get this item by doing quests or using the "Stonecutting Table".

Reach the Desired Level to Join the Expedition


“All” players in your group must have reached or passed a specific level to enter the dungeon they wish to join. Enemies in dungeons can be challenging. Level up before diving inside.

Create a Party


It's really important to party in the New World, i.e. join dungeons as a group with your friends. You will not be able to enter most of the dungeons alone, and you will definitely need the help of your friends. We recommend having at least one healer , one tank , and one DPS (Damage) character in your party.


►  How to Obtain New World Azoth Staff (Scepter)?


New World Dungeon/Expedition Level Requirements

  • The Amrine Excavation (Recommended Level 25)
  • The Starstone Barrows (Recommended Level 35)
  • The Depths (Recommended Level 45)
  • The Dynasty Shipyard (Recommended Level 55)
  • The Lazarus instrument set (Recommended Level 60)
  • The Garden of Origin (Recommended Level 60)

All New World Dungeon/Expedition List

As with most MMORPGs, you have to drop into a dungeon filled to the brim with overpowering monsters and irresistible loot. So, of course, you shouldn't expect less from New World either. There are 6 dungeons in total in New World. Each with a different level of difficulty and environment.

The Amrine Excavation


The New World The Amrine Excavation dungeon offers players puzzles to solve. Apart from that, the monsters and bosses you have to fight will accompany you in this dungeon. It's a nice way to log into Expeditions.

  • Minimum Level: 25
  • Enemies: Lost & Ancestral Guardians
  • Location:North side of the “Windsward” area.

This dungeon has two bosses and puzzles alongside the normal enemies.

The Starstone Barrows


The Starstone Barrows dungeon tests not only your fighting strength, but your wits as well. This expedition has lasers and you die on contact.

  • Minimum Level: 35
  • Enemies: Skeletons & Ancestral Guards
  • Location: “Everfall” zone

It handles the theme of Greek mythology in the enemies and bosses of the dungeon. Two bosses and lasers that you die instantly when you touch them will greet you.

The Depths


Before entering the New World The Depths dungeon, don't forget to talk to the crocodile named Nekumanesh , who is waiting outside. The crocodile will give you a quest that you can complete inside the dungeon.

  • Minimum Level: 45
  • Enemy Types: Corrupted
  • Location: “Restless Shores” area

In this dungeon, you will be greeted by two bosses and groups of enemies pouring in from everywhere. Be careful in this dungeon where you will fight on the road.

The Dynasty Shipyard


As the name suggests, this expedition will take you on an Asian-themed ship. In this dungeon, 9 bosses are waiting for the players.

  • Minimum Level: 55
  • Enemy Types: Dynasty & Corrupt
  • Location: “Brightwood” west side, “Monarch's Bluffs” north.

In Dynasty Shipyard, you will encounter 9 bosses while fighting against the enemies that come at you. 2 of these bosses are the main boss and the remaining 7 are called mini bosses.

The Lazarus Instruments


Lazarus Instruments is the highest tier of the New World dungeons. Let's warn you right now that failure can be fun too.

  • Minimum Level: 60
  • Enemy Types: Skeletons
  • Location: North side of "Reekwater" campus

A difficult dungeon filled with formidable enemies. Puzzles will test you and you will be punished for wrong answers. With more enemies in each of your punishments.

The Garden of Origins


The New World Garden of Origins expedition will take you to a magical temple that has been taken over by nature over time.

  • Minimum Level: 60
  • Enemy Types: Primitive
  • Location: Between “Valor Hold” and “Mountrainrise” districts in “Edengrove”

In this dungeon, several mini-bosses and elite enemies compare us to complicate the game. Keep your distance and watch out for puzzles and enemies that explode when they die.

New World Dungeon/Expedition Awards

  • It allows you to greatly improve your Weapon Mastery.

  • You can earn rare crafting materials.

  • XP and Gold

That's all for the New World dungeon list and level requirements for now. It's not hard to predict that more dungeons/expeditions will be added to the New World as time goes on. We'll be here to keep you informed when new content arrives. Stay tuned!

► Foxngame to buy reliable and discounted New World: https://www.foxngame.com/new-world

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