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New World Trade Skills Guide

New World Trade Skills Guide
New World Trade Skills are a variety of non-combat skills that the player can invest in and master; It is divided into three categories: Crafting, Gathering and Refining.

Crafting isan important part of New World . Most weapons, armor, and gadgets must be crafted by the player. Even players who don't make items themselves rely on other players who make these items for their gear. The process of producing an item consists of several steps that require Trade Skills .

New World Trade Skills are a variety of non-combat skills that the player can invest in and master. It is a core component of character progression and helps drive the game's player-centric economy. New World Trade Skills are divided into three categories: Crafting , Gathering and Refining . Each of them has various skills that the player can improve himself. Players can invest in any number of trading skills, and each will be beneficial in a certain way for both the player and the other players with whom they can trade.

Remember! Each Trade Skills can be maxed out on a character.


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New World Trade Skills: Gathering | Refining | crafting

Flint (flint) can be found all over Aeternum, but especially on the beaches. You can gather a small amount of wood from the bushes without the need for tools. Turkeys can be harvested for meat and feathers without using a knife. A simple Tier 1 version of each Gathering Tool can be crafted in your camp. You will only need Flint and wood, which can be gathered without tools and require no skill to craft.

Gathering Trade Skills

Crafting always requires materials, so you must collect Raw Resources. Raw can be gathered from around Aeternum and often requires the gathering tool.

Trade Skills required to gather resources in the New World; There are 5 types: Logging, Mining, Harvesting, Tracking & Skining, Fishing . Likewise, there are 5 types of gathering tools; Logging Axes (logging axes), Pickaxes (picks), Sickles (sickles), Skinning Knives (leather knife), and  Fishing rod (fishing rod).


  • Logging Tools: Logging Ax
  • Obtained Resources: Young Trees, Mature Trees, Wyrdwood, Ironwood

A Logging Ax or Hatchet can be used to gather wood or cut down trees. Trees can be found almost everywhere in Aeternum, but in more degraded areas they can wither and provide unusable wood. Wyrdwood trees are rare and tend to grow in dangerous Lawless Areas, but the Wyrdwood they provide is essential for the highest level items.


  • Mining Tools: Pickaxe
  • Obtained Resources: Stone, Iron, Silver, Oil, Gold, Alchemy Stones, Starmetal, Lodestone, Platinum, Orichalcum

Pickaxe or Pick is used to collect Boulders (rocks) and Ore (ore). Boulders are common, but most concentrated in Highlands areas. Ore Veins are less common and also more likely to be found in Highlands areas. You can use the map to search for these gems. Starmetal and Orichalcum are rare metals that only spawn in the dangerous and Lawless Areas.

Mining, Stonecutting (cutting stone), and Smelting (melting) skills allow you to collect rarer resources such as Boulders and Ore Veins.

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  • Harvesting Tools: Sickle
  • Obtained Resources: Farm Plants, Hemp, Fungi, Magical Creatures, Magical Plants, Silkweed, Wirefiber

Sickle (sickle) is used to harvest various herbs, both ordinary and alchemical. Throughout the Aeternum, plants such as Hemp, Vegetables, Herbs, and Alchemical Ingredients can be found growing in the wild. Hemp provides Fibers that are important for creating fabric and clothing. Vegetables and Herbs are used to create dishes in many supply recipes and can be grown by Companies in their respective regions. Alchemical Ingredients are unique to Aeternum and provide the power needed to craft Potions and Magic Gloves.

The Harvest and Weave Trade Skill allows you to collect more plants, gives you a chance to collect higher Rare resources from plants, and allows you to weave Fibers into cloth.

Tracking & Skinning

  • Skinning Tools: Skinning Knife
  • Obtained resources: Rawhide, Meat, Animal Horn, Animal Fangs.
  • Animals: Small Prey, Medium Prey, Large Prey, Small Predator, Large Predator.

A Skinner Knife is used to cut Raw Skin from dead animals and harvest their meat. Many species of wildlife can be found in Aeternum. Most allow Raw Hide harvesting, but some species like Elk have a chance to provide Animal Horn and others like Wolves can provide Animal Fang.

The Tracking, Skinning, and Tanning Trade Skill allows you to gather more resources from animals, collect higher Rarity from these resources, tan Raw Hide into leather, and track animals on your compass at any time.


  • Harvesting Tools: Fishing Pole (fishing pole)
  • Obtained resources: Fish

Fishing is a standalone minigame in New World.

Refining Trade Skills

Most recipes in New World call for Refining ingredients. You can do this at Refining Stations. Refining Stations have tiers associated with them and can only refine materials up to that tier.

New World Refining Trade Skills: Smelting, Woodworking, Leatherworking, Weaving, Stonecutting.


  • Smelting Refining Station: Smelter (foundry)

The foundry is used to turn precious metals into ingots and also to produce charcoal from wood. Rankings in the Mining, Stonecutting and Smelting Trade Skill are required to smelt ingots, but anyone can create Coal. A higher rank is required to produce higher level ingots.


  • Woodworking Refining Station: Woodshop

Woodshop is used to transform Wood into Timber, Timber and Planks. Requires degrees in Lumbering and Carpentry Trade Skill to use, and higher tier refinement requires a higher level of skill.


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  • Leatherworking Refining Station: Tannery

The Tanning Station is used to transform Raw Hides into Leather. Requires degrees in Tracking, Leathering, and Tanning Trade Skill to use, and requires more degrees to create higher Skin Tiers.


  • Weaving Refining Station: Loom

Weaving is used to weave Fibers into fabrics such as Linen, Satin and Silk. Harvest and Weaving require ranks in Trade Skill to create Cloth, higher Tiers require more ranks.


  • Stonecutting Refining Station: Stonecutting Table

Stone cutters refine Stones into Blocks and cut Gems.

Crafting Skills

New World Crafting focuses on crafting a wide variety of items, from weapons and consumables to ammunition and furniture. As your crafting level increases, it unlocks more recipes as well as stronger versions of existing recipes.

Crafting Stations are structures that can be crafted. Each allows a specific type of recipe to be crafted and requires a different Trading Skill to use. Production Stations can be found in settlements.

New World Crafting Trade Skills: Weaponsmithing, Armoring, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Arcana, Cooking, Furnishing.


  • Weaponsmithing Station: Forge (Forge)
  • Recipes Type: Longswords, Rapiers, War Hammers, Great Axes, Shields

Weaponsmithing usually takes place in forges located in settlement areas. Note that each weapon has a level requirement to craft. This tier level corresponds to Forge's tier level. If your settlement does not meet the Forge level requirement, you will need to upgrade it or find another settlement with a higher level Forge. Crafting weapons requires the player to also have the appropriate Weaponsmithing level. Leveling up in Weaponsmithing is a simple process. Players just have to constantly craft weapons, raising their skill level. However, collecting resources is more complex and can be more difficult.

Weaponsmithing is a skill that greatly needs the following skills for resources and materials:

  • smelting
  • woodworking
  • leatherworking
  • mining
  • logging
  • skinning

Note that materials for any Crafting skill can also be obtained through trading from other players, so players can still be successful in crafting weapons even if they invest in other skills, but for this you need to play the game's economy system.


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  • Armoring Stations: Outfitting Station, Forge
  • Recipes Type: Head Armor, Chest Armor, Hand Armor, Leg Armor, Foot Armor, Storage Bags

Armoring is a crafting skill that focuses on creating Armor using resources and materials from skills in the gathering and refining lines. A higher level in Armoring allows players to craft better, more powerful Armors as well as improve the Gear Score of craftable weapons.

Armoring can be performed at a Forge or Outfitting Station, depending on the armor type, and these stations can usually be found in Settlements. Armorers can also craft Storage Bags to increase the player's inventory space.

Armoring is a skill that relies heavily on the following skills for resources and materials:

  • leatherworking
  • skinning
  • smelting
  • mining
  • weaving
  • Harvesting


  • Engineering Stations: Workshop, Forge
  • Recipes Type: Bows & Muskets, Arrows & Ammunition, Hatchets, Spears, Gathering Tools

Engineering allows the production of Ranged Weapons used in ranged combat such as Bows and Muskets (Rifles). It also allows the production of Ammunition for these ranged weapons.

A higher level of engineering allows players to create better, more powerful weapons, as well as improve the Gear Score craftable range of weapons. Additionally, in the case of Ammunition, Engineers will be able to craft more ammunition for the same amount of resources.

Engineering is carried out in a Workshop for ranged weapons, ammunition and gathering tool, and a Forge for melee weapons, and these stations can usually be found in settlements.


  • Jewelcrafting Station: Outfitting Station
  • Recipes Type: Amulets, Rings, Earrings

Jewel crafting allows crafting trinkets such as Amulets (Charms), Rings (Rings), and Earrings (Earrings), which provide passive bonuses to player characters. Jewelers can also craft Gems that can be attached to socketed equipment.


New World Gem Guide 


Trinkets are jewelry consisting of talismans, rings and earrings that provide bonuses to the player's attributes. Trinkets are created using precious metals such as silver and embedded gems, which determine the type of bonuses they provide. Jewelcrafting takes place in an Outfitting Station, which can be found in the Settlement.


  • Arcana Station: Arcane Repository
  • Recipes Type: Magical Weapons, Consumables, Elemental Infusions

Arcana is a Crafting skill that focuses on making Magical Weapons like Staves. Additionally, Arkanists can craft Potions and Tinctures, consumables that can provide a variety of effects, such as health and mana restoration, buffs, and removal of harmful effects such as Poison.  

Arcana is a comprehensive Crafting skill that encompasses a wide variety of items, including Fire Staves and magical weapons such as Ice Gauntlets, Potions, Weapon Skins, and Tinctures. Arkanists can also make Elemental Infusions by combining Elemental Essences with stronger ones. Arcana uses resources and materials from skills in the gathering and refining lines.

Arcana is accomplished in an Arcane Warehouse that can be found in Settlements. Arcane Warehouses have a Tier level that can be increased by taking on Town Projects. Note that each weapon has a level level requirement to craft.


  • Cooking Station: Kitchen
  • Recipes Type: Food, Dyes

Cooking allows the crafting of Food that the player can consume to give special effects such as health and mana restoration, power-ups, and bonuses to other Crafting skills. Cooks can also create Paints that can be used to color parts of the Armor.

Cooking is a crafting skill that focuses on creating food and Dye using resources and ingredients from the gathering skills. Higher levels in Cooking will allow players to make food and dye more efficiently, producing more items for the same amount of resources. Cooking is usually done in a Kitchen, which can be found in Residential Areas.


  • Furnishing Station: Workshop
  • Recipes Type: Furniture, Storage Chests, Trophies

Furnishing allows the processing of furniture and storage chests for player Housing.

A higher level in Tile will allow players to create a wider array of furniture and storage chests, as well as Trophies (Trophies), special objects that can be placed in the player residence, providing the player with various benefits such as providing bonuses when using other Trade Skills or improving their combat abilities against certain types of enemies.

Furnishing is usually done in a Workshop, which can be found in Settlements.


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Refining Stations

Refining Station where you produce materials from raw materials. The Refinery Station is located in Settlements, players increase their Tier from 1 to 5, which allows them to produce higher quality products.

New World Refining Stations:

  • Stonecut Table
  • Woodshop, Smelter
  • Loom
  • Tannery

Crafting Stations

Crafting Station is where things get done. Crafting Stations are located in Settlements, allowing players to raise their Tier from 1 to 5 to produce higher quality items.

New World Crafting Stations:

  • Forge
  • workshop
  • Arcane Repository
  • kitchen
  • Outfitting Station

personal abilities;

These skills can encompass a range of abilities that can be used outside of Settlements. These:

  • Wilderness Survival: This improves your Camp's Level and unlocks the ability to craft more recipes there.
  • Repair: This allows you to repair items at a reduced cost of resources and with reduced maximum durability loss.

We tried to explain the New World Trade Skills guide as detailed as possible. Now you can create the most equipped character of this open world by raising your character to high levels with the areas you want. See you in another guide!

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