Weapons are a big part of the New World experience, and there are many weapon classes in the game . Whether it's a fiery staff, a game-changing double sword shield, or a huge ax to wreak havoc on your enemies . For those who like to fight from afar rather than close combat, bows are available. Let's say that there are more weapons in the game than we counted. You can combine your equipment as you wish and find the most suitable pair for you. Speaking of the best pair, what exactly is the deal with these guns? How to choose weapons in New World ? Let's clear your doubts then. Here comes the New World weapons !
In New World, weapons are divided into two separate categories, melee one-handed and two-handed . Apart from these two, there are two more weapon types, these are; They are divided into ranged weapons (range weapons) and magical weapons (magical weapons).
Swords get their power mostly from the "strength" attribute and to a lesser extent from the "dexterity" attribute. Can be used with shield. Light Attack, your light attacks deal 100% slash damage. You can increase this ratio with your combos. Heavy Attacks deal 120% thrust damage. You can increase this damage by up to 160%.
Rapiers (Thin Swords)
Using thin swords, you can land fast and solid blows. These swords apply bleeding and slowly send your opponent to death. They take their damage from the "intelligence" and "dexterity" attributes. Light attacks deal 100%, swings 66% but faster, heavy attacks 133% thrust damage.
The New World hatchet is a very powerful weapon for beginners. They get most of their power from the "strength" attribute. A small percentage is from the "dexterity" quality. Axes have two skill trees, "berserker" and "throwing". The berserker tree grants special abilities to melee, while the throwing tree turns the ax into a ranged damage monster.
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Spears (Spears)
In the New World, spears are a nightmare for both melee and ranged combat. They get their power from the "dexterity" and "strength" qualities. They deal "piercing" damage. Ideal for both near and far. But they can be a little bulky.
Great Axes
Powered only by their "strength" trait, these two-handed axes are very good at inflicting knock damage over a large area. Light attacks and heavy attacks deal "slash damage".
War Hammers
All warhammers in the New World get their strength from the "strength" attribute. They strike heavy and effective blows like large axes. They deal damage within the area and restrict your opponents' movement.
Bows are used with arrows that you craft or find in the world. Its damage is increased in direct proportion to the "dexterity" attribute. You can fire your bow for quick shots or make attacks that stretch your damage more by stretching it more.
Muskets (Rifles)
Muskets are ranged weapons that use ammo similar to bows. They are strengthened by the main "dexterity" and "intelligence" qualities. You can become a sniper or set traps thanks to skill trees.
Fire Staffs
Fire Staffs are another type of weapon that New World has. It takes its power from its "intelligence" quality. Fire represents destruction. This weapon is a very dangerous mage weapon and can cause destruction. Deals fire damage.
Life Staffs (Healing Staffs)
Life staff is the last of the wand types in the game. It is used to invigorate and support your team or yourself, rather than inflicting damage. It gets its healing power from the "intelligence" attribute. Perfect for protecting yourself and your team.
Ice Gauntlets
After the devastating fire, it was time for the freezing cold. The damage types of ice gloves are “Ice”. It draws its power directly from its "intelligence" ability. It is a simple and reliable type of weapon with a certain function and ability.
New World weapons and their features are like this. Now you can choose the weapon you want and make the combinations you want. It's important to learn early on which weapon is best suited to your gameplay. See you in the next New World Guide!
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