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Open Country Trailer Released

Open Country Trailer Released
A promotional trailer has been released for Open Country, the most anticipated survival and hunting game of recent times. Are you ready to show your survival skills while hunting?
There are only a few games that come to mind when it comes to open world survival and hunting simulator. A new trailer has surfaced for Open Country , which has been under development for a while and is published by 505 Games  and developed by FUN Labs . By sharing the trailer, the publisher company shared some important details about the game with the players and aroused curiosity in the audience. As you can see from the very interesting promotional trailer, besides the hunting and survival skills underlying the game, there will also be a hunting dog feature that can accompany you. This additional feature is close to reality and is a well-thought-out detail so that you don't feel lonely.


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Open Country Trailer Released

A promotional trailer for the highly anticipated game Open Country has been released. As you can see in the trailer, there are many animal species you can hunt and there are various variations. Various inventories such as special transportation vehicles, boat combinations for fishing will be presented to you in the game. You can watch the promotional trailer below and have more clear information.

There are some crafting options in this game where you will show your survival and hunting skills in general. For example, you can build yourself a shelter or a place to stay. There is a system where you can protect and defend yourself against dynamic weather and environmental conditions. It wouldn't be right to call Open Country a normal hunting simulator. You can hunt and test your survival skills in the game. While you are doing this, the fact that your pet hunting dog takes part in the game will drag you to a feeling that you will not be alone but isolated from people when you are alone in nature. It's a very well thought out detail. Open Country has a release date set and will be released for PC on June 3, 2021. The net selling price is not yet known, but you can buy Open Country at a discount when the product is on sale by clicking the link below .

► Click to buy Open Country at a discount now!


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