Papers, Please
Papers, Please - Steam
Tebrikler. Ekim işçi piyangosu tamamlandı. Adın silindi. Derhal yerleştirme için Grestin Sınır Kontrol Noktasında Kabul Bakanlığı'na rapor verin. Siz ve aileniz için Doğu Grestin'de bir daire sağlanacaktır. 8. Sınıf bir konut bekleyin.
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    The Short Film

    Watch the official short film based on the game.
    By KINODOM PRODUCTIONS. Starring Igor Savochkin.


    Oyun Açıklaması

    The October labor lottery is complete. Your name was pulled.
    For immediate placement, report to the Ministry of Admission at Grestin Border Checkpoint.
    An apartment will be provided for you and your family in East Grestin. Expect a Class-8 dwelling.
    Glory to Arstotzka

    The communist state of Arstotzka has just ended a 6-year war with neighboring Kolechia and reclaimed its rightful half of the border town, Grestin.

    Your job as immigration inspector is to control the flow of people entering the Arstotzkan side of Grestin from Kolechia. Among the throngs of immigrants and visitors looking for work are hidden smugglers, spies, and terrorists.

    Using only the documents provided by travelers and the Ministry of Admission's primitive inspect, search, and fingerprint systems you must decide who can enter Arstotzka and who will be turned away or arrested.

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    System Requirements

    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows XP or later
    • İşlemci: 1.5 GHz Core2Duo
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: OpenGL 1.4 or better
    • Depolama: 100 MB kullanılabilir alan
    • İlave Notlar: Minimum 1280x720 screen resolution
    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir

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