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PUBG Mobile 4 Finger Setting, 4 Finger Code

PUBG Mobile 4 Finger Setting, 4 Finger Code
How to make PUBG Mobile 4 finger settings? What are ready 4 finger codes? It is explained in detail in the content.

PUBG Mobile has been very popular since its launch and everyone is looking for tricks and more detailed information about this game to improvePUBG game performance on the internet. But the most important thing is why the thumb game is not that good compared to PUBG Mobile 4 finger claw

We'll first talk about why the thumb gameplay is poor, and then why the 4-finger PUBG Mobile setup is good for gaming performance. Then we will explain how to install 4-finger PUBG on mobile.

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How Should PUBG Mobile 4 Finger Controls Be? How to Make 4 Finger Settings?


If you're still playing PUBG Mobile using thumbs , you can easily relate to what's being said. When you play using thumbs, 1st thumb is used for a player movement like moving forward, backward, left or right, and 2nd thumb is used to change camera angle, then aim and shoot. But you can't change camera angle+aim+fire+jump or crouch at the same time. And it is very difficult for a thumb player to move or jump in the moment of fire. However, you can easily perform these movements with 4 finger controls .

Which is better; 3 fingers or 4 fingers?

1) It totally depends on your finger size, screen size and flexibility of your fingers.

2) If you have short fingers or your screen size is smaller, go for 3 finger claws.

3) If you have long fingers or a large screen size, go for the 4-toed claw.

Typically, crouching, shooting, aiming/snooping, prone, etc. It's better to use PUBG Mobile 4 finger setup as you have access to multiple controls like

Why is the 4 finger claw setup the best?

PUBG 4 finger adjustment gives a much better performance because as you can see in the picture above, 2 fingers are aiming + on fire and the other 2 fingers are changing movement + camera angle. You can perform actions such as aim + shoot + move + camera angle + jumpmuch faster and more efficiently using PUBG 4 finger controls .

When you learn 4 finger control in PUBG Mobile, your game performance will increase over time. Not to forget that almost all pro mobile players use the PUBG 4 Finger claw layout.

Advantages of playing with four fingers in PUBG ;

  • It is the most flexible setup.
  • You can control four directions at the same time.
  • This claw setting has one of the fastest movement speeds.

The only downsides I see are :

  • The four-finger layout takes longer to master.
  • Your hands will take up more screen space. Therefore, you cannot see the edges of your device.

How to switch from thumb to 4 finger controls in PUBG Mobile?

We recommend that you do not play with the team on maps like Erangel after you switch from thumb to 4 finger control in PUBG Mobile , because your performance will be low for 3-4 days. Practice alone in TDM mode and get used to the new system. Once you learn to use the 4 finger claw simple layout, you can make changes and take your layout to the next level.

Step 1: Open PUBG Mobile and click on Settings.

Step 2: Click Customize Buttons and then Customize.


Step 3: Adjust the items according to the 4-finger pattern you will be using.

The image below is the super simple 4 finger claw layout. Using this layout you can easily learn 4 finger controls in just 3 or 4 days . Once you have full control of this layout, take it to the professional level.


Step 4: Save and start playing.

PUBG Mobile 4 Finger Code (2022)

When you switch to PUBG 4 finger controls, you can find the best setting yourself with practice and experience, but if you are looking for a 4-finger layout code, your search is over. Here are the 3 most popular PUBG Mobile 4 finger codes used by many players .

  • Layout 1 – 6974-6998-1946-2820-026
  • Layout 2 – 6960-4897-8808-0654-298
  • Layout 3 – 6960-4897-8808-0564-299

If you don't know how to set PUBG 4 finger claw pattern code in your game, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click Settings > Customize Buttons > Customize.


Step 2: Click on the marked section in the image.


Step 3: Click Search Method.


Step 4: Paste the desired 4-finger PUBG layout code in the given field and save the settings.


This will automatically apply the layout in the game for you and you don't have to manually adjust the layout. That's all you need to know about PUBG Mobile 4 finger settings . Whether you use ready-made layout codes or set them manually, you will see that your game performance will increase in any case. See you in another PUBG content.

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