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PUBG Mobile Best Settings: Sensitivity, Gyroscope, Graphics

PUBG Mobile Best Settings: Sensitivity, Gyroscope, Graphics
All of the PUBG Mobile settings we have prepared can be considered the best for most of the player base.

PUBG Mobile best settings differ for each user regarding sensitivity, binoculars, sound, graphics and more. Skills and the will to improve play a vital role in getting better at PUBG Mobile, but you also need to make sure you're playing under perfect conditions.

That means making sure you get the most frames per second (FPS) can make the difference between eating a chicken dinner and getting second place. Besides the graphic options, you can try and enable quality of life features, each of which aims to improve your overall gaming experience.

While it's better for every PUBG Mobile player to develop their own control schemes and tweak the settings that best suit their playstyle , there's nothing wrong with giving yourself a head start by jumping into the action with optimized settings. Here are the best settings to take you to the next level in PUBG Mobile .


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PUBG Mobile Best Settings: Control, Sensitivity, Basic, Gyroscope, Graphics, Sound


All of the PUBG Mobile settings we have prepared can be considered the best for most of the player base, but we recommend that you try and improve your own settings. If you are a beginner, it would be good to practice a little in training mode after applying the following settings to get an idea before entering a game.

Pay special attention to:

Graphics: The settings we provide below will improve the performance of your mobile phone.

Sensitivity: The settings we provide below will allow you to aim more easily with all scopes and weapons.

Best "Basic" PUBG Mobile settings

  • Aim Assist: Turn Off
    - Aim Assist is a feature set to Enabled by default for all new players. However, this option can be disabled according to the user's preference. Professional gamers who spend a lot of time improving their games prefer to keep this feature turned off.

  • Handgun and Crossbow Shooting Modes: Tap

  • Quick Binoculars Change: Close

  • Wall Block: Open
    - This option is for obstacles blocking your way. It does not allow the player to shoot against the wall or blocked object.

  • Shotgun Mode: Tap

  • Lean & Shoot: Open

  • Tilt Mode: Tap

  • Show fire button on left: Always on

  • Bend and Open Binoculars: Close

  • Binoculars Mode: Tap

  • Gyroscope: Always On
    - Always keep it on if you are playing the game on new or powerful phone that supports Gyroscope. This feature is great and you should definitely learn how to use it. It will help you make minor adjustments that are useful for close encounters and especially when sniping.

  • Auto Open Doors: Open

  • Recommended Refresh: Open

  • Use Emoji: Open

  • Damage Effect: Red

  • 1st Person Shooter Perspective: 92

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►  PUBG Mobile All Weapon Damage and Statistics (2022 )

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Best "Graphics" settings for PUBG Mobile


To improve the performance of your mobile phone:

  • Graphics: Fluent
    - No matter what device you're using, almost all competitive players value simplicity more than visual quality. Keeping your graphics Fluent will allow you to unlock higher FPS, making it easier to spot enemies.

  • Framerate: High
    - This is the highest framerate setting in PUBG Mobile and using it will allow you to play the game as smoothly as possible.

  • Style: Color
    - Color style is usually a matter of personal preference, but setting it to Color makes it a little easier to spot bright-skinned vehicles and enemies.

  • Smoothing: Off

  • Color Blind Mode: Personal Preference
    - If you have trouble distinguishing certain colors, you can set this option according to your preference. Despite not being colorblind, some pro gamers prefer the Protanopi colorblind mode because of its color palette.

  • Brightness: 118% or Off
    - Increasing your brightness will help you spot enemies faster, but keep in mind that you'll need to turn this off when playing on fog maps, as a higher brightness level does the opposite.

  • Auto-adjust graphics: Close

PUBG Mobile best "Sensitivity" settings


If you need to improve targeting, first adjust the sensitivity settings. Sensitivity settings are one of the more personal configurations in PUBG Mobile . Even the screen saver you use can affect your preferences, but you can generally get good results with the sensitivity settings below.

♦ Camera

  • 3rd Person Binoculars: 140%
  • 1st Person Camera: 130%
  • Camera: 155%
  • 3rd Person No Binoculars: 127%
  • Laser & Holographic Sight, Sight Aids: 53%
  • 1st Person No Binoculars: 100%
  • 2x Binoculars: 73%
  • 3x Binoculars: 27%
  • 4x Binoculars, VSS: 17%
  • 6x Binoculars: 14%
  • 8x Binoculars: 9%

♦ Shooting Animation Sensitivity

  • 3rd Person Scopeless: 120%
  • Laser & Holographic Sight, Sight Aids: 60%
  • 1st Person No Scope: 104%
  • 2x Binoculars: 36%
  • 3x Binoculars: 22%
  • 4x Binoculars, VSS: 17%
  • 6x Binoculars: 12%
  • 8x Binoculars: 12%

♦ Gyroscope

  • 3rd Person No Binoculars: 275%
  • Laser & Holographic Sight, Sight Aids: 280%
  • 1st Person No Binoculars: 275%
  • 2x Binoculars: 256 %
  • 3x Binoculars: 286%
  • 4x Binoculars, VSS: 230%
  • 6x Binoculars: 70%
  • 8x Binoculars: 65%

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►  What Should You Do to Rank Fast in PUBG Mobile?

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Best "Collection" settings for PUBG Mobile


The limits are up to you, but we recommend:

  • Auto Gather: Open
  • Auto Collect Guns: Turn off
  • Stop Auto Collect when List Closes: Close
  • Auto Collect Level 3 Backpacks: Unlock

You can also choose how much of each item you want to loot automatically, and these numbers will largely depend on you. If you prefer to play with weapons that use 5.56 rounds, you can increase how many you want in your inventory so the auto-collecting feature can stop collecting items when you reach this threshold.

PUBG Mobile "Sound" settings

You may want to consider setting your speaker volume slightly lower for team voice chat , but almost all gamers will max out their microphone gain.

Just make sure you hear what you need to hear:

  • Main Volume: Loud (max)
  • Effects: High (max)
  • Interface: High (max)
  • Music: 30%

PUBG is one of the best online Battle Royale games that is performing very well globally and players all over the world spend a lot of money to get the best devices to be able to perform well in the game. But just getting a good device is not always enough. You need the perfect combination of PUBG Mobile settings to enhance your experience and playstyle .

► New season discount has started in UC prices. PUBG Mobile M7 Royale Pass and Elite Pass Plus are now much cheaper in Foxngame: https://www.foxngame.com/ pubg- mobile-unknown-cash

TAGS: PUBG Mobile uc satın al pubg uc pubg uc satin al ucuz uc satın al PUBG Mobile jiroskop ayarları indirimli Pubg uc satın al indirimli PUBG UC pubg uc satın al pubg mobile ayarları pubg mobile ayarlar pubg mobile en iyi ayarlar pubg mobile en iyi ayarları pubg mobile en iyi kontrol ayarları pubg mobile kontrol ayarları pubg mobile hassasiyet ayarları pubg mobile en iyi hassasiyet ayarları pubg mobile temel ayarları pubg mobile temel ayarlar pubg mobile en iyi temel ayarlar pubg mobile en iyi jiroskop ayarları pubg mobile grafik ayarları pubg mobile en iyi grafik ayarları pubg mobile ses ayarları pubg mobile en iyi ses ayarları En iyi temel PUBG Mobil ayarları PUBG Mobile için en iyi grafik ayarları PUBG Mobile için en iyi hassasiyet ayarları PUBG Mobile en iyi kamera ayarları PUBG Mobile kamera ayarları PUBG Mobile için en iyi toplama ayarları PUBG Mobile en iyi toplama ayarları PUBG Mobile ses ayarı pubg mobile hassasiyet ayarı pubg mobile hassasiyet ayarı 2022 pubg mobile hassasiyet ayarı en iyi pubg mobile en iyi hassasiyet ayarı pubg mobile en iyi hassasiyet ayarı 2022 pubg mobile en iyi hassasiyet ayarı güncel pubg mobile en iyi hassasiyet ayarı kodu pubg en iyi kontrol ayarları pubg en iyi hassasiyet ayarları pubg en iyi grafik ayarları pubg en iyi ses ayarları pubg en iyi kontrol ayarı pubg en iyi jiroskop ayarları pubg mobile en iyi jiroskop ayarı pubg mobile jiroskop ayarı pubg mobile jiroskop hassasiyet pubg mobile jiroskop hassasiyet ayarı pubg mobile jiroskop hassasiyet ayarı kodu pubg mobile jiroskop hassasiyet 2022 pubg mobile jiroskop hassasiyet ayarı 2022 pubg mobile jiroskop hassasiyet ayarları pubg mobile jiroskop hassasiyet ayarları 2022 pubg mobile en iyi jiroskop hassasiyet pubg mobile en iyi jiroskop hassasiyeti pubg mobile en iyi jiroskop hassasiyet ayarı pubg mobile en iyi jiroskop hassasiyet ayarı 2022 pubg mobile en iyi jiroskop hassasiyet ayarları 2022 pubg hassasiyet ayarları 2022

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