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Pubg Mobile Bright Sun QBZ Weapon Costume

Pubg Mobile Bright Sun QBZ Weapon Costume
New costumes and cosmetic items for Pubg Mobile continue to be introduced regularly. Along with the mods in Runic Power Season 17, the Bright Sun QBZ Weapon Skin was also included in the game. Details are in the article.

Brings the interesting Bright Sun QBZ weapon skin unique to Pubg Mobile Season 17 Runic Power . The QBZ is an AR 5.56 weapon that can only be used as a replacement for Groza on Sanhok , and gets a deluxe look on Sanhok with the Bright Sun QBZ skin . This assault rifle (AR) type weapon is adorned with an elegant blue combination of Runic Power and a very elegant gold colour.


If you're wondering how to get this elegant weapon skin, which will be available from February 10 - 28, 2021, it's very simple.

  • Step 1: You should buy PUBG Mobile UC at a discount from our site .
  • Step 2: After the UC you purchased is activated in your account or sent to your account, you must open the chest of the event.
  • Step 3: It can be opened for 1 chest → 60 UC
                 10 chests → 540 UC.


►  How to Access PUBG Mobile Sets?


What Does the Bright Sun QBZ Weapon Costume Include?

PUBG Mobile is currently in its 17th Season and this season, it has brought innovations to the game by presenting a big theme called Runic Power . In the new season, players can use additional powers in the game. This is provided in the form of a Runic Power game mode playable on Erangel . There are also royal knight-themed cosmetics this season. You can find the presence of cosmetic items such as clothing sets, weapon skins and other costumes with their luxurious and elegant shiny gold colours.

PUBG Mobile has various weapons that come with detailed features. Each weapon has different damage, ammunition difference, accuracy and rate of fire depending on the area it belongs to. Along with the updates, PUBG Mobile provides cosmetically useful weapon skins to beautify the appearance of the weapons from the chests you will open. Weapon skins just give a different look, they have no effect on weapon stats. 

►  Click to buy PUBG Mobile UC at a discount now!

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