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PUBG Mobile C2S4 M7 RP Awards: Leaks

PUBG Mobile C2S4 M7 RP Awards: Leaks
After a long wait, the C2S4 M7 with various RP rewards for the final season of PUBG Mobile has finally come out as a kind of leak.

After a long wait, the C2S4 M7, which has various RP rewards for the final season of PUBG Mobile , finally came out as a kind of leak. This season brings with it new level rewards . This includes some special weapon skins, accessories and outfits, as well as some new emotes. All of this has sparked a lot of speculation and excitement about RP rewards within the community.

PUBG Mobile C2S4 M7 Tier Rewards

This time in PUBG Mobile M7 RP rewards , players will have these gold colored glasses when they reach the Silver tier. They have a good design and do not look too fancy.


Players will be able to use this awesome outfit for free after playing at least 5 matches in the Gold tier . Most returning players will automatically be in this League after the season resets. Therefore, it will be quite quick and easy for you to get the outfit.


There has also been a change in the rewards at the Platinum tier . In the past, players would get headgear and similar accessories when they reached that level. Starting this season, they will be able to get this parachute at this tier, which was previously only available after reaching Ace.


This awesome blue colored skin of the MK14 will be available once players reach this stage.


Instead of the parachute that players usually receive as an Ace-level reward , they will now receive this good-looking golden colored mask.FOXNGAMEWhen players reach this level, they will receive the following cool hairstyle. That's a good thing because there aren't really many hairstyles in PUBG. This reward will help players who work hard to reach the level look quite unique and different from other players.


PUBG Mobile new season M7 RP rewards

Not many new skins have been added to the beta yet and hopefully they will be added before next week. As of now, we've found photos of some new emotes that can be added to the game. Some will be free, some will be paid, and some emotes from RP crates will also be available.


In PUBG Mobile M7 season, two new popularity is added to the game. The popularity in the form of a gun named Major Agram will increase the popularity of the person by 100. Whereas, its popularity in flower shape will increase one's popularity by 400.


Fatih is the rank where PUBG Mobile has the highest and most beautiful rewards. Every season we get a new frame with the name of the season on it for free. The conqueror avatar frame added this time belongs to C2S4 , short for Cycle1 Season4. If you can reach the rank of Conqueror, this nice looking frame can be yours.


PUBG Mobile new season M7 looks set to debut on January 17, 2022, but hasn't released an exact date. 

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TAGS: PUBG Mobile pubg uc pubg uc satin al PUBG MOBİLE UC indirimli Pubg uc satın al Pubg Mobile RP PUBG Mobile rp görevleri Pubg Mobile RP ödülleri Pubg Mobile RP satın al PUBG Mobile RP fiyatları PUBG Mobile RP al PUBG UC al pubg uc satın al pubg mobile uc pubg mobile rp ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile rp kaç uc pubg mobile rp ne zaman bitiyor pubg mobile rp m7 pubg mobile m7 rp pubg mobile m7 pubg mobile m7 rp ödülleri pubg mobile m7 ödülleri pubg mobile m7 sızıntıları pubg mobile m7 sezonu ne zaman geliyor pubg mobile m7 ne zaman çıkıyor pubg mobile c2s4 pubg mobile c2s4 royale pass pubg mobile c2s4 rp ödülleri pubg mobile c2s4 rp pubg mobile yeni sezon pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 pubg mobile yeni sezon royale pass pubg mobile yeni sezon rp ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman pubg mobile yeni sezon çıkış tarihi pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman? pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 ne zaman pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 çıkış tarihi pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 ne zaman çıkıyor pubg mobile uc pubg mobile rp ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile rp kaç uc pubg mobile rp ne zaman bitiyor pubg mobile rp m7 pubg mobile m7 rp pubg mobile m7 pubg mobile m7 rp ödülleri pubg mobile m7 ödülleri pubg mobile m7 sızıntıları pubg mobile m7 sezonu ne zaman geliyor pubg mobile m7 ne zaman çıkıyor pubg mobile c2s4 pubg mobile c2s4 royale pass pubg mobile c2s4 rp ödülleri pubg mobile c2s4 rp pubg mobile yeni sezon pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 pubg mobile yeni sezon royale pass pubg mobile yeni sezon rp ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman pubg mobile yeni sezon çıkış tarihi pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman? pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 ne zaman pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 çıkış tarihi pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 ne zaman çıkıyor pubg mobile uc pubg mobile rp ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile rp kaç uc pubg mobile rp ne zaman bitiyor pubg mobile rp m7 pubg mobile m7 rp pubg mobile m7 pubg mobile m7 rp ödülleri pubg mobile m7 ödülleri pubg mobile m7 sızıntıları pubg mobile m7 sezonu ne zaman geliyor pubg mobile m7 ne zaman çıkıyor pubg mobile c2s4 pubg mobile c2s4 royale pass pubg mobile c2s4 rp ödülleri pubg mobile c2s4 rp pubg mobile yeni sezon pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 pubg mobile yeni sezon royale pass pubg mobile yeni sezon rp ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman pubg mobile yeni sezon çıkış tarihi pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman? pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 ne zaman pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 çıkış tarihi pubg mobile yeni sezon m7 ne zaman çıkıyor pubg mobile yeni sezon ne zaman gelecek m7

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