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PUBG Mobile Cheat Ban Report - Week 29

PUBG Mobile Cheat Ban Report - Week 29
PUBG Mobile continues to grow rapidly globally. The developers, on the other hand, permanently ban cheaters from the game thanks to the same speed cheat measure. The cheat ban report for the 29th week has been shared, the details are in the article.

PUBG Mobile , which has made a name for itself with its success in the mobile game market , has earned a total of 8 billion dollars from in-game expenditures and application downloads, in line with the information obtained from various mobile statistics data . Nearly $6 billion of revenue came from expenses, and $2 billion of it came from game downloads. Behind PUBG Mobile 's success is the fact that the game is very popular in China, one of the most populated countries in the world, as well as the updates, events and more that the developers brought to the game.

Of course, the use of cheating can become quite common in this and similar games, which have a global success that cannot be ignored . The fraudulent accounts that create an unfair competition environment in the game are as common in PUBG Mobile as in other games. Thanks to the anti-cheat system it has developed to prevent these accounts, Tencet Games permanently bans both in-game toxic users and these accounts that disrupt the balance of the game from PUBG Mobile , so that it informs the players thanks to the reports it publishes every week. You can view and get information about the details of the report below.

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PUBG Mobile Cheat Ban Report

Thanks to the developed anti-cheat system, cheaters can be detected immediately and permanently banned from the game. Regarding these bans, the rank of your account, any payment you have deposited in the game or similar investments are considered invalid. This means that if you have cheated in PUBG Mobile and have spent any money or whatever your rank, your account will be permanently banned and all your investments will be lost. This week, approximately 1,500,000 accounts were banned for cheating, and all of these accounts were permanently suspended. This figure is 11% less than last week. In the image below, you can view the banned accounts and their ranks this week;


  • 1% Conqueror Tier
  • 7% Ace Rank 
  • 11% Crown Tier 
  • 11% Diamond Grade 
  • 10% Platinum Tier 
  • 8% Gold Tier 
  • 12% Silver Rank 
  • 40% Bronze Tier 

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