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PUBG Mobile Cheat Ban Report - Week 32

PUBG Mobile Cheat Ban Report - Week 32
Compared to last week, there were fewer bans in PUBG Mobile. Of course, the accounts that were banned for various reasons such as cheating and displaying negative behavior were permanently suspended and the report was shared.

PUBG Mobile continues to grow every day in terms of the development and security of the game. Thanks to the success it has achieved, the player base also increases linearly so that we shared with you the news that the revenue from the game was approximately 250 million dollars in the past weeks . Such success, of course, brings with it malicious, in-game toxic users. Such players generally behave in a way that may provide unfair advantage or disturb the peace of other people in the game, such as various regulations in game files, in-game violations, negative behaviors and cheating.

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PUBG Mobile Cheat Ban Report

As you know , PUBG Mobile anti-cheat system successfully bans players who want to use cheats or edit game files and gain unfair advantage. Thanks to the reporting system, the players who disturb the peace of the game, exhibit negative behavior and cause discomfort in the game are permanently banned after the necessary controls are provided. In doing so, they publish a regular ban report on a weekly basis . In this way, both banned player statistics are shared with the public and it is aimed to be a deterrent. Approximately 1,500,000 accounts have been permanently suspended this week , and you can view their rank statistics below;

pubg mobile cheat ban report

  • 1% Conqueror Tier
  • 8% Ace Rank 
  • 12% Crown Tier 
  • 13% Diamond Grade 
  • 10% Platinum Tier 
  • 9% Gold Tier 
  • 12% Silver Rank 
  • 35% Bronze Tier 

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