PUBG Mobile Lite: Ranked system

PUBG Mobile Lite: Ranked system
PUBG Mobile Lite for players who do not have high-end devices, and the ranked system


PUBG Mobile is one of the most played games of all time. The competitiveness of the game is what makes it so popular, as players strive to get better and climb higher levels of the ranked ladder. PUBG Mobile has spawned many eSports leagues all over the world and continues to amaze players everywhere. The adrenaline and frustrating situations you encounter in this game are unlike any other.

Most players couldn't play PUBG Mobile because their phones didn't have the required features or due to some technical issues. The developers then introduced PUBG Mobile Lite for such players so that they can enjoy the game seamlessly on their devices without any barriers.

In this article, we will explore the current ranked system in PUBG Mobile Lite.

The ranking system in PUBG Mobile Lite in 2019 looked different from today as below.


This ranking system in PUBG Mobile Lite was roughly the same as the current system. However, the main difference was in the names of these ranks. These were Novice, Novice, Experienced, Skilled, Expert, Expert and finally Survivor. This system is focused on the personal development of the players rather than the match points. As long as the player plays a lot of games, he will rank well in this ranking list.

However, the current system in PUBG Mobile Lite is similar to the main version's ranking system; the names are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Crown, Ace and Conqueror. This system looks much better and focuses on individual match results and you can climb the ranks by playing matches, surviving and killing.




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