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PUBG Mobile: M24 damage, location info, and best addons

PUBG Mobile: M24 damage, location info, and best addons
PUBG Mobile has a wide variety of weapons that players can use, and the M24 is one of them. We're reviewing this weapon.

PUBG Mobilegives players a wide selection of weapons and players need to learn how to use each weapon. This mastery can help them reach higher levels in PUBG Mobile. There are also multiple categories of firearms with different uses, which also depend on the user's playstyle . The M24 is a sniper rifle used a lot by gamers. This weapon is preferred because of its four mounts. If operated properly, it can take down enemies efficiently, even a level 2 helmet isn't enough to hold up against this rifle.

Let's take a detailed look at this weapon in PUBG Mobile


The weapon's stats, as seen in the loadout option in PUBG Mobile:

Strength: 79

Rate of Fire: 5

Range: 86

Capacity: 5

stabilization: 62

Various other sources contain different stats, with multiple sources claiming that these stats are not exact and the official stats are not provided by PUBG Mobile.



Location of M24 on PUBG Mobile Map

M24 is available on all maps of the game. Because loot from a match is randomly spread across the map, there is no definitive place for players to find the weapon. Players can find this weapon in places with high loot. However, they should be careful as many other players have been spotted around these areas.

Best Addons for M24

As mentioned above, the M24 has four ports and here are the best ones:

Scopes: As it is a Sniper Type rifle, 6x or 8x scopes 

Barrel: A suppressor would be a great addition ( suppressor ) and would definitely help players by hiding the flash of the gun.

Magazine: Quickdraw Extended Magazine is a recommended addon as it reduces reload time and increases ammo capacity.

Stocks: The only plugin available (Cheek Pad) will help players aim harder.



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