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PUBG Mobile M416 and Aug Weapon Comparison

PUBG Mobile M416 and Aug Weapon Comparison
There are many weapons in PUBG Mobile and each of these weapons has a separate add-on. In this article, we compared the M416 and the AUG gun. Details are in the article.

PUBG Mobile is to provide players with many mods, maps, costumes, cosmetic items and wide variety of weapons. Many weapons and weapon add-ons available in the game are of course an inventory that should be available in every battle royale game, but PUBG Mobile 's weapon variety is a bit more than other games.

The aim of PUBG Mobile , which you start by parachuting from an airplane to the island ; From the moment you land on the island, you must act as fast as possible to collect inventory and most importantly, find weapons and kill your enemies. The last person standing in the game is entitled to soup money. Finding weapons alone may not be enough to kill your enemies, so that by getting the best weapon attachments, you can defend yourself against enemies much more and hunt more easily. We have compared the two best weapons you can use in PUBG Mobile , so you can decide which weapon will be more useful in which situations. Happy reading smiley


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PUBG Mobile M416 vs AUG

There are many weapons that you can use in PUBG Mobile , and each weapon has its own usage area. Some weapons are very effective at close range, while others are effective at long ranges, likewise, some weapons are more effective than others at ranges that can be considered medium range. In this article, we compare the M416 and AUG weapons. These weapons are in the group of highly effective weapons at close and medium range. You must use 5.56mm ammunition for both guns.


The damage value of both weapons is stated as 41 per bullet and the damage can vary according to the distance. Weapons, ready-made shooting modes make it easy for you to shoot single or automatically, so that the rate of fire of both guns is at the same level. There are some differences between the recoil values ​​and fixed rate of fire of the guns, so you should choose well and choose the guns with the least recoil and fixed rate of fire .

The AUG is a well-balanced weapon and has less recoil compared to the M416 . Since the AUG is a weapon that does not require a lot of add-ons, if you find this weapon in PUBG Mobile , you are ready for battle . Unfortunately, this does not apply to the M416 . The M416, which needs various add-ons such as a magazine with extra bullet capacity,  but if it has add-ons, its recoil and fixed rate can be balanced, but if the necessary add-ons are installed, you can get much better results than AUG .

We are sure that when you use the attachments on the two specified weapons, your enemies will flee without looking back. If you're good at aiming, there's no reason not to neutralize your enemies on sight. As a result, if you had to choose between both weapons, your choice should be AUG if you don't want to look for add-ons, but when you find add-ons, the M416 will be a much better choice for you .

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