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PUBG Mobile M8 Season Royale Pass Rewards

PUBG Mobile M8 Season Royale Pass Rewards
PUBG Mobile M8 Royale Pass can offer players many benefits at a reasonable price. According to the leaked information, the Elite Royale Pass will cost 360 UC, while the Elite Royale Pass Plus will only cost 960 UC.

PUBG Mobile will appear witha new Royale Pass in the coming weeks. Players can currentlypurchase the current season C2S4 M7 Royale Pass . With the Royale Pass, which is renewed every month, Krafton offersPUBG players unique rewards , surprises and creates an exciting competitive environment for a range of rewards. According to rumors, the M8 Royale Pass will offer players new bonuses. In particular, a new airplane skin caused great anticipation.


►  PUBG Mobile Redeem Codes (February, 2022)


PUBG Mobile C2S5 M8 Royal Pass Rewards

The M8 Royale Pass can offer players many benefits at a reasonable price. According to the leaked information, Elite Royale Pass will cost 360 UC , while Elite Royale Pass Pluswill cost only 960 UC .

Every player who purchases the Elite Royale Pass orwill receive a gift voucher worth 60 UC from Krafton, regardless of whether they purchased it for free or not . When you reach rank 30 this season, you will receive 60 UC vouchers that can be used to purchase the M8 or the Royale Pass, which will be released in February 2022.

Players look forward to Royale Pass seasons each month, mainly due to special skins, outfits and rewards. The 1 to 50 RP rewards of PUBG Mobile's upcoming M8 Royale Pass have been announced by data miners. Here are the leaked rewards:

  • Royale Pass Tier 1 : Cactus Officer Set


  • Royale Pass Stage 10 : Magic Box Backpack


  • Royale Pass Stage 15 : A Cool Emote, RP Avatar and Moo Moo Ornament


  • Royale Pass Stage 20 : Moo Moo Grenade Skin


  • Royale Pass Stage 25: Slobby Blouse/Shirt

Players will receive a brand new cool looking outfit as a free RP reward when they reach rank 25.

  • Royale Pass Stage 30 : Scarlet Ranger Emote


  • Royale Pass Stage 35 : UMP45 Skin


  • Royale Pass Stage 40 : High Performance Scar-L Skin


  • Royale Pass Stage 50 : Scarlet Ranger Set and Cover


PUBG Mobile C2S5 M8 Royale Pass Release Date

PUBG Mobile M8 Royale Pass will be released on February 18, 2022, and will run until March 19, 2022. As always, M7 RP will be locked for a few hours and players will be able to claim RP rewards and XP again after the new season reopens on February 18

► New season discount has started in UC prices. PUBG Mobile M7 Royale Pass and Elite Pass Plus are now much cheaper in Foxngame: https://www.foxngame.com/ pubg- mobile-unknown-cash

TAGS: PUBG Mobile pubg mobile ucuz satın al PUBG Mobile ucuz UC pubg uc satin al pubg mobile ücretsiz uc Pubg Mobile Royal Pass Satın AL PUBG MOBİLE UC Pubg Mobile Royale Pass ucuz Pubg uc satın al Pubg Mobile Royale Pass sistem Pubg Mobile Royale Pass sistemi PUBG Mobile Royale Pass ödülleri Pubg Mobile Royale Pass bileti Pubg Mobile Royale Pass görevleri pubg uc satın al pubg mobile uc pubg mobile uc pubg mobile uc pubg mobile royale pass satın al pubg mobile royale pass kaç uc PUBG Mobile Royale Pass PUBG Mobile Royale Pass fiyat PUBG Mobile Royale Pass pubg mobile royale pass ne kadar pubg mobile royale pass ne zaman yenileniyor pubg mobile royale pass ne zaman geliyor pubg mobile royale pass kaç uc? pubg mobile royale pass fiyatı pubg mobile royale pass ne zaman bitecek pubg mobile royale pass kaç tl pubg mobile royale pass m8 pubg mobile royale pass m8 ne zaman pubg mobile royale pass m8 ne zaman geliyor pubg mobile royale pass m8 çıkış tarihi pubg mobile royale pass çıkış tarihi pubg mobile royale pass m8 kaç uc pubg mobile royale pass m8 kaç tl pubg mobile royale pass m8 satın al pubg mobile royale pass m8 ödülleri pubg mobile royale pass m8 görevleri pubg mobile royale pass m8 ne zaman gelecek pubg mobile royale pass 8 pubg mobile royale pass 8 ne zaman pubg mobile royale pass 8 ne zaman geliyor PUBG Mobile C2S5 M8 Royal Pass Ödülleri PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass kaç uc PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass ne kadar PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass nasıl alınır PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass satın al PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass kaç tl PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass Plus PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass Plus fiyatı PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass Plus ne kadar PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass Plus kaç uc PUBG Mobile Elite Royale Pass Plus kaç tl PUBG Mobile M8 PUBG Mobile M8 sezonu PUBG Mobile M8 ne zaman PUBG Mobile M8 ne zaman başlıyor PUBG Mobile M8 çıkış tarihi PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass ne zaman PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass ne zaman başlayacak PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass ne zaman gelecek PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass çıkış tarihi PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass kaç uc PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass kaç tl PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass ne kadar PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass fiyatı PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass ödülleri PUBG Mobile M8 royale pass görevler PUBG Mobile C2S5 M8 Royale Pass Çıkış Tarihi PUBG Mobile M8 RP PUBG Mobile M8 RP ödülleri PUBG Mobile M8 RP ne zaman PUBG Mobile M8 RP ne zaman başlıyor PUBG Mobile M8 RP ne zaman gelecek PUBG Mobile M8 RP görevleri PUBG Mobile M8 RP fiyat PUBG Mobile M8 RP kaç uc PUBG Mobile M8 RP ne kadar PUBG Mobile M8 RP kaç tl PUBG Mobile M8 RP satın al pubg mobile Royal Pass satın al

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