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PUBG Mobile New Map Karakin Now Available

PUBG Mobile New Map Karakin Now Available
أصبحت خريطة Karakin ، التي تم إحضارها لأول مرة إلى إصدار الكمبيوتر الشخصي من اللعبة ، متاحة الآن وستحل محل خريطة Vikendi في PUBG Mobile. مع خريطة Karakin الجديدة ، يجب أن تبذل قصارى جهدك للفوز على جزيرة تضم 64 شخصًا. التفاصيل في المقال.
The wait for the long-talked and highly anticipated PUBG Mobile Karakin map is over. PUBG Mobile gives players exciting and fun moments with regular updates and innovations. Among the updates brought are new weapons, new weapon attachments, new equipment, new vehicles, new maps and game modes. In the latest innovation brought to the game, the Karakin map, which is also available in the PC version, replaces Vikendi . You can enjoy the map from now on. In addition, the company announced in the past weeks that it will release another game called PUB New State . You can click on the link for the details of the new game. 

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►  PUBG New State Pre-Registration and Gameplay Details

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PUBG Mobile New Karakin Map Now Available

The Karakin map is based on a vast and arid land with a diameter of 2x2 km. Due to the small number of houses and buildings on the map, there will not be many places to hide. The map is for 64 people and with the newly introduced Demolition Zone mode, destruction will take place in certain areas of the map . Being inside a building will not save you from this destruction, on the contrary, the building may collapse on your head and you may die. Interestingly, you will be more in danger inside the building and safer outside.


In Karakin , which is an open land and a map where you can hide less, you can always be in contact with your opponents. This situation can drag you into a conflict and we are sure that the action will continue until the end without slowing down. Also, the walls of certain buildings will be damaged or killed if there is a target on the opposite side thanks to the new wall-piercing bullets, so you shouldn't feel safe behind walls anymore either. You must be alert at all times and follow your opponents well.

The effort to include these innovations in the game, as well as the features requested by the players, shows that Tencet Games listens to the wishes of the players. We will announce the next innovations and developments on our site, continue to follow us. | Foxngame

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