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PUBG Mobile Profile: Adding, Deleting Friends and Teaming Up

PUBG Mobile Profile: Adding, Deleting Friends and Teaming Up
For those who don't know, PUBG Mobile can be played by creating our own team, as part of a group or alone. How to add friends? How to install the game?

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds or PUBG has become one of the world's leading online multiplayer games. So much so that the Mobile version has reached over 500 million downloads on the Google Play store so far; It can be all kinds of exciting if you want to play PUBG Mobile with your friends .

For those who don't know , PUBG Mobile can be played by creating our own team, as part of a group or alone. How to add friends? How to install the game? We have compiled them all for you.


►  Quickly Install PUBG Mobile UC Code


PUBG Mobile Profile Settings: Adding, Deleting Friends and Teaming

You can join a different group and meet many different players in every game you are an active participant in. With the option to add PUBG friends, you can add players that you are a good team in the game, so you can join the games together.

  • Open the PUBG Mobile app on your smartphone.
  • Tap the “+” icon under your profile in the top left corner, then tap the add friend icon.


  • The Add friend screen will open. You can find and add your friends by using the player name or PUBG Mobile ID from the search bar  .


  • You can send it in a message if you wish.


In online games, real people can meet each other and play together by forming a team. This is an advantageous feature in every aspect and makes the game more enjoyable. But in some cases, you may want to disconnect from the person you met. In such a case, it is always possible to end your communication with the other party thanks to the  delete friend feature.

Follow the steps below to delete friends in PUBG Mobile.

  • You can access your friend list from your profile in the upper left corner.
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the window that opens.  Select the friend you want to delete.


If you do not want to be intimate with anyone online, you can join by choosing a random group on your own.

PUBG Mobile, a social platform, has millions of members and there are individuals from every group, young and old, in the game without age limit. When you create a team, you can talk to your friends and give each other tactics. You can improve yourself even more in the team you have created with tournaments, which are the activities that the players enjoy the most.

Each team formed remains standing until its last player. Teams are eliminated from the game only after the last person dies. At first, the features of the players are equal, but as the game continues; As they collect equipment such as bags, helmets, armor and gain loot, players improve themselves. Equipment consists of 3 levels, the higher the level, the better and stronger the equipment.

To form a team in PUBG Mobile; Open the friend list from the profile in the upper left corner and click on the "Invite to Team" text.


In case of teaming up, if you are in the lobby and not on a team, you can automatically accept team-up invites from your friends.

PUBG , PUBG Mobile names are the names defined by the users to their own characters . Each player chooses his own name, and throughout the game, other players see him by the name he has chosen. The name change in the game is conditional. Users need to purchase 180 UC to change their name.

After the specified amount of UC purchases, ID and name change cards become active. In this way, players can change their names for once, if they wish.   

To change PUBG Mobile name and ID, first open your profile from the top left corner, then open the settings window from “Basic Information” and click Name Card.


The avatar you set in the game becomes your face. As you improve yourself, you can also improve your avatar. PUBG Avatar is one of the sections that players can design to their own taste.

You can change your PUBG Mobile avatar by following the steps below.

  • First, open your profile from the top left corner, then the settings window from "Basic Information".  


  • Tap on the “Avatar” option to change it.


  • You can collect your avatars as you complete the missions.

► The reliable and cheap way to buy PUBG UC is at Foxngame. Click here to buy discounted PUBG Mobile UC including Weekly Deal Packages up to 70%

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