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PUBG Mobile Redeem Codes (January, 2022)

PUBG Mobile Redeem Codes (January, 2022)
With PUBG Mobile January Redeem codes, you can buy weapon skins, skins, and other special and premium items.

PUBG Mobile Redeem code is a code consisting of letters and numbers that can be used to purchase weapon skins, costumes, loot cars and other special and premium items in the game. Redeem codes are free and used only once, so you cannot use the same code twice.


►  PUBG Mobile New Season M7 Royale Pass Rewards


PUBG Mobile Redeem Codes (January, 2022)

Players can use Redeem codes to get weapon skins, free fireworks, character skins, gold pans, loot boxes and more for free.

To collect rewards using their codes, players need their character ID along with the Redeem code. PUBG Mobile Redeem January codes are as follows. We recommend that you use it before the deadlines.  

Redeem CodeAwards
EHFJ4PUWIJHU1000 Silver Pieces
HLJC5HVCN8EM416 Weapon Skin
FET10FCAJ9UMP-45 Weapon Skin
YI24HP5LQLABumble Bee Set
WU38FC19IMotor Vehicle Wrap
NGXMPL4SREBLegendary Outfit
XMEBDXJL1XRandom Outfit
UF53216HEEAKM Glacier Covering
MCTBDB6TXKAR98 Sniper Skin
GMLQPJLZLQFirefighter Set
DKJU10GTDSM2100 Silver Pieces
DKJU8LMBPYFree Silver Pieces
MIDASBUYFree Rename Card and Room Card
EKJONARKJOUnlimited M821 Weapon Skins
BBKTEZET8PUBG Operation Leo Set Legendary Outfit
BBVNZBZ8M10Free PUBG Football and Chicken Popularity
BBKVZBZ8FW8 Popularity of Red Tea
BBKRZBZBF108 Free PUBG Ball Popularity
BAPPZBZXF8UMP-88 Weapon Skin

Frequently asked questions about PUBG Redeem Code

Q1. What is PUBG Mobile Redeem Code?

It is a code that gives you free premium rewards in PUBG Mobile.

Q2. How can I use the redeem code?

  • Copy your PUBG Mobile character ID.
  • Open PUBG Mobile Redemption Center official website.
  • Enter your character ID and paste the Redeem code you want to use in the relevant field.
  • Click the “Redeem” button and the item will be sent to your in-game e-mail.
  • You can now use these premium items in the game.

Q3. Do I have to pay to redeem codes?

No, Redeem codes are completely free.

Q4. How many times can a Redeem code be used?

A Redeem code can be used once per account.

Q5. Can we generate the redeem code on our own?

No, these codes are only generated by authorities.

► Click to buy discounted PUBG UC: https://www.foxngame.com/ pubg- mobile-unknown-cash


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