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PUBG Mobile Season 19 Has Started

PUBG Mobile Season 19 Has Started
With the end of 18 seasons in PUBG Mobile, the new season has started. Details such as PUBG Mobile 19th season Royale Pass rewards and UC prices are in our article. Details are in the article.
Switching to a new season every two months , the 18th season of PUBG Mobile ended on May 15, and the new 19th season was added to the game as of May 17 with new content. The Royale Pass Package and Elite Pass Plus Package were renewed with the start of the 19th season, and new in-game special cosmetic contents were activated. You can view the table of rewards and UC (Unknown Cash) prices below.


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PUBG Mobile Season 19 Has Started

PUBG mobile , which left behind a great season , earned approximately $ 250 million in April, according to data from statistics sites . So much so that it put its name in the 2nd place in the list of the most profitable mobile games of 2021. We have no doubt that Season 19 will continue this success. You can view the Royale Pass rewards for the new season below ;

The Royale Pass rewards you see in the chart above will be available throughout season 19 . Along with the weekly and daily missions, you can complete the missions and get these rewards. You can view the Royale Pass Package (Season 19) and  Elite Pass Plus Package (Season 19) prices, as well as the UC price table below;
Name of the productProduct price
60 PUBG Mobile UC7.90
300+25 PUBG Mobile UC40.67
600+60 PUBG Mobile UC71.80
1500+300 PUBG Mobile UC181.25
3000+850 PUBG Mobile UC359.75
6000+2100 PUBG Mobile UC744.95
Royale Pass Pack (Season 19)82.67
Elite Pass Plus Pack (Season 19)217.34

Prices in the table above may vary according to current exchange rates and other factors. Therefore, you can place an order by checking the current price from the purchase link below.

► Click to buy PUBG Mobile UC at a discount now!


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