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PUBG Mobile Season 19 Royale Pass Rewards

PUBG Mobile Season 19 Royale Pass Rewards
Season 19 will start soon for PUBG Mobile and the Royale Pass rewards have been determined. Each season lasts for 2 months and the rewards change at the start of the new season. Details are in the article.
PUBG Mobile  18th season will end shortly and the transition to the new season will begin. As you know, a new season comes every 2 months in PUBG Mobile . At the beginning of each season, many innovations are included in the game. If we give an example of these innovations; PUBG Mobile 's new season contracted contents, new season contents, different cosmetic products, renewed royale pass, new daily and weekly mission contents are provided. At this point, expectations and excited waiting for PUBG Mobile season 19 began. Do not worry, you will not wait too long for these innovations and the new season. Soon after PUBG Mobile 19th seasonwill start and the contents will be refreshed. Details are below.


►  PUBG Mobile 2021 April Earnings


PUBG Mobile Season 19 Release Date

PUBG Mobile Season 18 will end on May 15  and there will be a 2-day season break for the transition to the new season. Immediately after the two-day season break, PUBG Mobile's 19th season will begin. If we need to specify the exact date, PUBG Mobile 19th season will start on May 17, 2021 . Players get the Royale Pass package or  Elite Pass Plus package with the start of season 19. they can get it. If you wish, you can buy discounted UC directly from our site and do it in the game, or you can buy these packages directly if you wish. The amount you have to pay for the Royale Pass package is 600 UC in-game and the in-game amount you need to pay for the Elite Pass Plus package is 1800 UC. You can view PUBG Mobile Season 19 Royale Pass rewards ;

► Click to buy PUBG Mobile UC at a discount now!

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