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PUBG Mobile Tactics and Development Guide

PUBG Mobile Tactics and Development Guide
PUBG Mobile is at the top of the list of the most advanced mobile games. In order to improve yourself in the game, you need to provide some tactics and development practices. Details are in the article.
PUBG Mobile developers regularly bring new updates to improve the game. PUBG Mobile, which has managed to win the likes of millions of players from 7 to 70 with the innovations made and carries its name among the mobile battle royale games , can be challenging for inexperienced players from time to time. Many players, who could not reveal their current potential due to the inexperienced situation at the beginning, perhaps give up before they even start. In this article, we have compiled information on how you can play PUBG Mobile better, let's take a look at it together.

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PUBG Mobile Best Tactics Guide

If you want to improve yourself in PUBG Mobile, there are some small but important details that you can apply. Before going into these details, remember that you need to take time to improve yourself in PUBG Mobile or any other game. The more time you spend in any game, the more interaction and experience you get at the right rate. In this way, even if your development is slow, you can contribute to your games by taking firm steps. After allocating enough time, there are some small tips you should know and learn. You should constantly provide research and try to learn the points that can improve yourself, down to the smallest detail. Without further ado, let's share with you the simplest tactics you can do in substance.

Aim at the Heads of Your Enemies

As with PUBG Mobile and many other games, before you can kill a player, you must damage it. Whoever provides the fastest and most damage to the opposing party or to you by the opposing party is deemed to have won the battle. At this point, it will be useful for you to know the areas you will shoot while shooting at your enemy and the damage that those areas will cause to your enemy. As in every game, the damage you will inflict on your opponents with accurate headshots is very high. That's why when you're going to shoot at your enemy with a gun, the best thing is to shoot him in the head. In order to do this, you should shoot one by one and frequently instead of serial shots, so you can provide more accurate shots.

♦ Appropriate Weapon Selection

PUBG MobileWeapon choices are very important in . There are almost all types of weapons in the game. For example, there are many options such as shotguns, sniper rifles, pistols, explosives, machine guns. In addition, these weapons are also separated among themselves with options such as 9mm, 7.62mm, 5.56mm according to the ammunition they use. Another option is determined as close range weapons and long range weapons. While using these weapons, the add-ons you will add to the weapon can provide very positive results for your game. Choosing the right attachment and weapon is one of the most effective solutions you need to do on the way to victory. In addition, the fact that the conflicts you will enter in closed areas or at long distances should shape your weapon choices. When you want to kill an enemy from a distance, does it make sense to do it with a shotgun or with a sniper rifle? Likewise, using sniper rifles in close-range combat or in closed tight spaces will be ineffective in terms of accuracy and speed. You can see the best melee weapons from the list below;
  • Mk14
  • UZi
  • Groza
  • M249
  • M416
If you want to have an advantage in close range combat and be victorious, the weapons on the list are weapons that are very effective at close range. When using all these weapons, of course, your target point should be your opponent's head area.

♦ Continuous Practice and Research

As we mentioned in the first lines of our article, if you want to improve yourself in the game, you should do a lot of research. Your research will improve you on how you can be better. If you have more information, you will make faster decisions and results in line with the information you will encounter in the game. In addition, after acquiring all this knowledge, you should put it into practice and constantly improve yourself. The best way for this is to play quick matches. Jump into the most populated areas on the map and get killed or killed quickly, and you'll see better results over time, which will make you feel good.

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