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PUBG Mobile Update 2.4: New Themed Game Mode

PUBG Mobile Update 2.4: New Themed Game Mode
PUBG Mobile 2.4 update was released on Wednesday, January 4th. With the new theme, weapon and vehicle improvements, the first update notes of 2023 have taken their place.

PUBG Mobile 2.4 update was released on Wednesday, January 4th. The first update notes of 2023 have been replaced with a new theme Martial Showdown, weapon and vehicle improvements, new item Explosive Bow and a brand new vehicle called Dancing Lion.

For a quick and complex update, please provide a good network environment and make sure there is enough storage space .

Update reward:

  • 3,000 BP
  • 100 AG
  • Update the game from Jan 4-15 to get the Pan Pan Title (3g).

PUBG Mobile 2.4 Update: Important Notes

1. New theme Martial Arts Showdown: Experience the martial arts and culture of the East with new gameplay elements and settlements locations. Elements such as the Dancing Lion have been added to help you enjoy this festive season.

2. Frontline returns: Added 2 more awesome skills for deeper strategies. It can be played on February 15.

3. Weapon and vehicle configurations: Added Honey Badger and 2-Person Bike. These items will have those that don't come together in a unique way during Valentine's Day starting February 14th.

4. Metro Royale Updates: Added new map, Famous transmission, lots of materials and new PvE components.

PUBG Mobile New Season Cycle 4 Season 10 (C4S10)

PUBG Mobile new season C4S10 will be added to the game between 17 January 2023 at 19:00 - 20 March 2023 at 23:59.


  • New Legendary rewards: C4S10 Goggles, C4S10 Set, C4S10 Parachute, C4S10 - AUG, C4S10 Mask and C4S10 Helmet.
  • Added Title Archive, which retains titles being claimed by players, the seasons in which they were received, and the highest title progression.
  • Added 4 new season openings (Skillful, Mighty, Medic, Champion) and improved the display of various pages.
  • Added rank point display for Conqueror rank. Every 100 points is a lower tier and players can accumulate stars.
  • Updated season badge registrations for S1-S19.


►  PUBG Mobile New and Updated Damages of All Weapons


  • Available to play: January 4, 2023
  • Supported maps: Erangel and Livik


  • Martial Arts Arena: Many Martial Arts Arenas spawn in the game. Some parts are always open to players, while others remain locked. Only arenas that are closed at the end of the countdown can be accessed.
  • New gameplay components - Return for Honor: Players can initiate a Return for Honor quest after being killed and summoned by their teammates. Following players can kill their targets within the specified time and get rewards. If they fail, the target player gets their reward.

  • Yeni araç - Dans Eden Aslan: Aslan dansı çekirdekleri, iki kişilik bir araç. Ziplama ve depar atma becerileriyle hızlı ve çeviktir. Sırta koyulabilir ve kullanma sınırı yoktur. Sadece Savaş Sanatları Arenasının ortasında bulunan sandıktan alınabilir.
  • Yeni öge - Patlayıcı Yay: Gizlilik temelli oyun tarzına uygun bir silah. Temalarında patlayan yüklenmiş oklar atar.
  • Yeni öge - Yakalama Kancası: Ele giyilebilen, yakalanan bir yakalama kancası. Hedefe bir yakalama kancası fırlatıp kendini ona doğru çekmek için bu ögeyi kullanın.
  • Bereket Uçurtması ve Bereket Feneri: Bazı yerleşim yerleri ve Savaş Sanatları Arenalarının üstünde bulunur. Ürettikleri imha ederek taşıdıkları Sandıkları yere düşürün ve sandıkların içindeki malzemeleri elde edin.
  • Kung Fu Bao Ekmeği: Buhar kazanmaktan yeni çıkmış, dumanı üzerinde bao ekmekleri. Enerji ve Sağlık yeniler.

Added 2 brand new incredible skills to Frontline mode.

  • Available to play: February 15, 2023 – March 12, 2023
  • Supported maps: Erangel and Livik


  • Player Launcher: Use the new launch device to launch into the air for high speed travel.
  • Tactical Camouflage: Wear a special Camouflage Suit to increase your speed while climbing over obstacles.

  • Material Chests can now be purchased on the Black Market. Within the first 5 minutes of the match, you can get a free Basic Equipment Chest, and players who purchase it will receive a full set of equipment. There are also Advanced Supply Crates with air assist quality feature inside.
  • The Material Scanning skill has been combined with the Lucky Backpack skill. Players who choose the Lucky Backpack Skill will use all the attributes of both skills. Also, Lucky Backpack no longer increases carry support.
  • The Playground Analysis skill has been merged with the Vehicle Air Assist skill. Players passively scan the location of the airdrop with the next Playground with the skill Vehicle Air Assist.
  • Tracking reviews: When the skill is activated, users can see the Health remaining on the flagged gold. The tracking skill will now also mark enemies hit by Grenades and Molotov Cocktails.

  • Sailwings will spawn at some high altitude locations on the Erangel map. Soar on the sailplane of higher education and easily reach far by taking advantage of the air currents.
  • An elevator has been added to the Galata Tower. Players use the elevator to move quickly through the tower.

  • Available to play: January 9, 2023 – March 13, 2023

The new Şişli Harbor map has been added to PUBG Mobile.

  • New Map: Şişli Port. It can be played in Basic Mode and Advanced Mode. The map measures 1.8 x 1.2 km. It offers players a lot more material and allows them to engage in wild skirmishes. This map is loaded with overhead lines, ships and other mechanics to allow players to move faster. Bosses and dynamic events offer an entirely new PVE experience
  • New Famous forcing found in 1-2 special regions. There is a chance to get Famous equipment when you kill or unlock bosses in matches.
  • Added Draft Packs to the Metro Royale Black Market: Premium Weapons Pack and Premium Armor Pack with the possibility to give famous equipment. You can purchase broadcasts using Metro Coins.
  • The Gallery feature has been added where you can see all the special usage in Metro Royale usage.
  • Added 4 new tradable items (Biological Sample, Processor (GPU), Gold Pile, Lens). These items only spawn on the new map.
  • Enhanced Vests (Lv. 4, 5, 6) durability has been increased to resist explosion proof.
  • Base Inventory Capacity increased by 30.
  • New Weapon: Honey Badger, Honey Badger (Cobra), Honey Badger (Steel Front).
  • Game Lobby Inventory Configuration Improvements: Subway Royale pass Hide Advanced Vests.


Weapon Improvements

  • Yeni Silahlar: Honey Badger 7,62 mm mermi atar ve görece yüksek bir atış hızına sahiptir. Yakın mesafeden çatışmalar için idealdir. Erangel, Sanhok ve Livik haritalarında bu silahı bulabilirsiniz.
  • QBZ İyileştirmeleri:
    - Temel hasar: 41 >> 42
    - Şarjör değiştirme süresi: Boş şarjör: 3,66 saniye >> 3,1 saniye / Yarı boş şarjör: 3,0 saniye >> 2,5 saniye
    - Desteklenen haritalar: Livik ve Sanhok

  • FAMAS İyileştirmeleri:
    - Hareket hâlindeki mermi saçılımı %20 azaltıldı
    - Maksimum yatay geri sıcaklık biraz azaltıldı
    - Şarjör değiştirme süresi: Boş şarjör: 4,6 saniye -> 3,6 saniye / Yarı boş şarjör: 2,7 saniye -> 2,5 saniye
    - Desteklenen haritalar: Erangel ve Livik

  • UZI
    - Silah değiştirme hızı %35 artırıldı
    - Hareket hâlindeki mermi saçılımı %30 azaltıldı

  • UMP45
    - Silah değiştirme hızı %35 artırıldı
    - Hareket hâlindeki mermi saçılımı %20 azaltıldı
    - Hasar kaybı düşürüldü, uzun mesafe hasarı artırıldı

  • PP-19 Bizon
    - Silah değiştirme hızı %35 artırıldı
    - Hareket hâlindeki mermi saçılımı %20 azaltıldı
    - Temel hasar: 35 >> 37

Araç İyileştirmeleri

  • Motosiklet üzerinde silah animasyonları iyileştirildi.
  • Yeni araç: 2 Kişilik Bisiklet. Yolcular arka koltuğa otururlar tek elli silahları kullanırlar. (Bu öge Sevgililer Günü boyunca Sevgililer Günü asla sahip olmayacak. Sevgililer Günü efekti, iki oyuncu 2 Kişilik Bisikleti birlikte sürerken etkilenir.
  • 2-Person Bikes now spawn in Bike Parks. Bikes can be used on Erangel, Miramar, and Livik maps.

  • Classic Map Improvements: Special skins will be displayed on the plane as the battlefield rotates after players revive.
  • Season data in the mode with the watched player being played will now be displayed on the Viewer Card.
  • Route lines will be thinner to avoid the possibility of information not being visible when the minimap is expanded.
  • Players will receive a random UZI, UMP45, or SCAR-L to go to battle after reviving in Classic Mode.
  • Added the ability to show graphics in the Gathering Area. You can show them your excellent performances (victories, kills, badges) from previous matches via Quick Chat team.

  • Lucky Teammates: The system recommends players as lucky teammates every week. Team up with lucky teammates and earn additional championship points by winning Ranked matches in Classic Mode together.
  • Limit: The bonus point advantage can only be activated once per week with the previous teammate.
  • Refresh Time: Each association at 00:00 (UTC+0) is recommended to celebrate a new team for that week.
  • Victory Conditions: Team up with lucky teammates and finish Ranked Classic Mode matches in the Top 30 on Erangel, Sanhok, Miramar, and Vikendi, the Top 15 on Livik and Karakin, or the Top 10 on Nusa.

  • Players can share their Loads with their Partners after they reach a certain amount of Association.
  • The Shared Payload can only be used when you enter the game with the Partner you shared the loadout with. You can use this feature in both Classic mode and Amusement Park.
  • There are slots and rarity caps for Common Bundle items, and can be used a certain number of times per week. Additionally, none of the items are extinguished if you kill them.

    • Improved Fast Popularity Gift sending and radio message visuals.
    • Added rewards for Weekly Popularity Ranking and Weekly Prestige Ranking. 1-3 in the Weekly Popularity and Prestige Rankings. ranked players earn a premium Team Building Special Effect, Card Theme, and Epic Title. 4 -10 on the Weekly Popularity and Prestige Rankings. ranked players gain an enhanced Team Building Special Effect, Card Themes, and Epic Title. Players ranked 11-30 in the Weekly Popularity and Prestige Rankings earn a Card Theme and Legendary Title. 31-100 in the Weekly Popularity and Prestige Rankings. ranked players earn an Epic Title.

    • The season review is now available on the Statistics page. Access point can be turned on or off in settings.
    • Season reviews have been visually revamped with the expansion of tier points, battle stats, team building data, new icons and more.
    • Sharing feature has been improved. Players can now share in the datasheet or share their Season reviews directly with other players.
    • Using the other players guide Season review, they can access the other side's Career Results and see their full summary stats.
    • Friend request and Popularity gifts can be sent while another player is viewing their Season review.
    • The season review shows the total number of visits and the total number of gifts received.
    • Season review statistics are expected to be available in February. 

    • Quick Duel shows. The opponent's location is now visible on the minimap. You can now exit Quick Duel directly.
    • Duel Arena regulations. Footsteps are now visible on the minimap. Added a guest and reward system.

    • Social Lobby update: Players can now customize their dashboard in the Social Lobby.
    • Rankings: If a user's Personal Area is accessed from Rankings, returning to Rankings will return to the original and resume watching.
    • Lobby Pop-up views: Achievements suddenly appear at the same time, the popup now shows them all together and high-quality rewards.
    • Celebrating Valentine's Day: Complete Valentine's Day together with the way you Connected to get a Moment Special Status.
    • Added "phishing/account hijacking" to chat reporting system options.
    • Payment feature notifications.

    Start Time: 27 January 2023 – 6 March 2023

    • New rewards in the Event Shop: Stunning Dance Set (Legendary), Stunning Dancing Hat (Legendary), Mysterious Magician Set (Legendary), Wanderer - Vector (Epic)
    • New Talent Championship S11 Chest rewards: Stunning Dance Set (Legendary), Stunning Dance Hat (Legendary), Mysterious Magician Set (Legendary), Wanderer - Vector (Epic), Sweet Crocodile - UMP45 (Epic), Gorgeous Sunset Parachute (Epic), Rover - UZI (Epic)
    • New second and third place rewards: Will to Win Set (Legendary), Will to Win Headpiece (Legendary), Wanderer - UZI (Epic), Crazy Racer's Parachute (Epic), Unique Mage Set (Epic)

    • Fixed an issue where players were occasionally drawn towards the wall of the gas station on the Erangel map.
    • Fixed an issue where players would occasionally get stuck on the first floor stairs with certain gazes on the Erangel map.
    • Fixed a bug that caused annotations when using Air Lines on the Livik map.
    • Fixed an issue that caused bosses to sometimes not move correctly in the Metro Royale circuit.
    • Fixed an issue with some devices that soon reduced the flow of players' movement.
    • Fixed the issue where teammate info would sometimes go away in teamwork.

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