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PUBG Mobile: UZI vs MP5K - Which SMG is better and why?

PUBG Mobile: UZI vs MP5K - Which SMG is better and why?
Both Micro UZI and MP5K use the same 9mm ammo in PUBG Mobile. Micro UZI is available on all maps, while MP5K is only available on Vikendi.

PUBG Mobile has given its players an exciting battle royale experience that has become more engaging thanks to its enhanced HD graphics and in-game dynamics. Players have a wide variety of real-life inspired weapons to choose from. In this article, we discuss the differences between Micro UZI and MP5K in PUBG Mobile and try to determine which is a better SMG .

#1 Power


Both Micro UZI and MP5K use the same 9mm ammo in PUBG Mobile . Therefore, it is not surprising that the hit damage of both weapons is almost the same.

#2 Capacity

MP5K outperforms Micro UZI in terms of ammunition capacity . In MP5K , a player gets 30 rounds per clip when first collected. Meanwhile, Micro UZI comes with 25 rounds per round in PUBG Mobile. This capacity can be increased by equipping an add-on.

#3 Fire Mode

Micro UZI has two fire modes: single and automatic. Meanwhile, the MP5K offers players three options in this section with single, automatic and burst fire modes.

#4 Firing Speed

The Micro UZI takes only 0.048 seconds between two continuous shots in PUBG Mobile. The MP5K , on ​​the other hand , has a fire rate of 0.0645 seconds, which is slightly more than the latter. This gap becomes very important if you want to take down the enemy player faster.

#5 Additions

The Micro UZI has room for three attachments: the barrel, the magazine well, and the stock. A player can equip only one rest or holographic sight on the Micro UZI.

Meanwhile, the MP5K can be equipped with four attachments: barrel, magazine, handle and stock. A player can add up to 6x all scopes in the MP5K for medium and long range gunfights .

The final decision

The Micro UZI is one of the most reliable weapons in close range combat and is available on all maps. On the other hand , the MP5K is only available on the Vikendi map and is a good weapon for mid-range battles with the help of better add-ons. Therefore, the choice between the two weapons can only be made depending on your situation on the battlefield.



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