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PUBG will test jumping and climbing mechanics

PUBG will test jumping and climbing mechanics
Some new features are being added to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Some new features are being added to  PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds , and according to Brendan Greene , PlayerUnknown has the potential to change the game. Bluehole will launch test servers for version 1.0 next week and will ask players to try out a new set of snapping mechanisms and a few other features.
The highlight of the test will be the new jumping and climbing mechanics that allow players to calculate any object 2.3 meters high, according to the test server update for the first time on the official PUBG site.

"Passing and scaling obstacles can create many new tactical options available to players from time to time, the standard jump feature can be used in standard situations, but there are many areas where it is not enough. Fortunately,  PUBG has a significant playing field. Also, the objects on the map are large in shape and size. This type of complexity can cause a lot of problems for players who want to rely on fast and efficient means to jump over boxes, containers, fences, etc. That's why we decided to implement dynamic jumping and climbing mechanics.

This feature allows game characters to quickly calculate obstacles in front of them. Although we originally planned to traverse structures up to 1 meter high, we eventually decided to expand the functionality of this feature by increasing the limit to 2.3 meters. Almost any static object that meets the size criteria is scalable. "

On top of that , Bluehole says, "players will now be able to climb into buildings by climbing through windows as long as they're wide and tall enough." There are also some nuances to climbing objects based on their size and the player's momentum.

"So it can be calculated with a weapon at hand on objects with high chest level. Longer builds that require pulling into the safe should be performed with both hands without any items, which should automatically holster while the animation is playing."

Running towards what you are trying to climb will produce more acceleration and a faster climb animation. Trying to climb into something motionless will slow you down and leave you vulnerable for long periods of time in a game like PUBG where timing can be anything.

In addition, if you are wondering about our news about  PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds graphics settings and pc performance recommendations, you can click here, if you are wondering about our previous news, you can click here .



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