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Rainbow Six Siege Ember Rise Update Announced

Rainbow Six Siege Ember Rise Update Announced
Details for all the features that come with the new Ember Rise update are in the article.
Ubisoft has announced Ember Rise , its newest and upcoming update to Rainbow Six Siege . After a maintenance period, the update is now out on PS4 , PC and Xbox One . Ember Rise is a major update for the game that introduces new operators, another content, a new gameplay with changes and improvements. As with every expansion, again the biggest update has been for the game characters. With the Ember Rise update, two new operators are included in the editing. Amaru with his offensive side and Goyo as a defender.

The Amaru is equipped with a Garra Hook that allows it to be attached to ledges, windows and other openings. Goyo uses the Volcán Shield, which functions like a standard deployable shield but is equipped with explosives that can knock out attackers trying to get around it.

You will unlock various rewards and earn points as you play. Ubisoft said it will use it as a "learning experience" to guide how the Battle Pass will operate in the future. An additional bridge has been added to the canal map, areas have been expanded, bomb sites have been moved or updated, and new bomb sites have been added.

Added a new Champions rank standing above Diamond for ranked players. The top 9999 players within the Champions are each ranked individually, but dropping out of this group won't kick you out of the Champions, provided you stay above 5,000 MMR.

Click here to buy Rainbow Six Siege now!

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