Rainbow Six: Siege Para Bellum Operation Details

Rainbow Six: Siege Para Bellum Operation Details

We have shared with you general information about Operation Para Bellum, the content of the 2nd season of Rainbow Six: Siege 's 3rd year , now we have more details in the promotional video that Ubisoft released forOperation Para Bellum, which will be released in June . We want to share it with you without further ado. Newcomer Alibi and Maestro We now have more information about it. Alibi can leave 3 copies of holograms like himself. When you touch or hit these holograms, your place is revealed, but if you hit the apparatus that provides the holograms, you leave no trace. Well, if you ask how we will know whether it is a copy or a real one, we have a small clue for copies. The hologram replica appears dressed as Standard and armed with weapons. The binoculars that Glaz uses can show that the holograms are fake.


Maestro , which draws our attention more than Alibi , can control his turret set up as a trap on the ground with a remote control. This turret is bulletproof, can see through fog, and can fire a low-power laser beam. To destroy this turret, called the evil eye, you must use explosives or a sledgehammer. Never before, you must destroy the ground on it. 

Let's watch the details of Rainbow Six: Siege  Para bellum Operation together from the video below;


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