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Rainbow Six Siege White Noise 100,000 Players!

Rainbow Six Siege White Noise 100,000 Players!
The update includes three new operators and a new map called Mok Myeok Tower.

The Rainbow Six Siege White Noise update helped the game reach Steam player count for the first time ever since it came out two years ago. 

The update wraps up the second year of the game's content. The update added three new operators that can hack your phone and ring and shine at critical moments. This will also distract enemy positions by being a distraction. One of the other two operators is invisible to cameras and drones, while the other carries a bipolar projectile launcher. The Mok Myeok Tower map seems to be one of the best maps in the game.

Since its launch on Tuesday, White Noise appears to have 100,000 concurrent players on Steam for the first time in a week, according to Steamcharts data. It is quite surprising considering the short time since the game's release time. It has more than doubled compared to last year. Currently, it is the fourth game with the largest audience on Steam.

Rainbow Six Siege White Noise Season Three Is Also Revealed

It is clear that the game has received good support from the players. The third year of updates is pre-planned, with new content coming out quarterly. Season three will include two new operators. A new three-player update will be available on Outbreak, the game's first co-op mode, quarantine and biohazard.

Image result for rainbow six siege white noise
Also, if you're curious about the latest news we've written about this game, just click here .



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