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Ranked End of Season and Rank Reset in League Season 12

Ranked End of Season and Rank Reset in League Season 12
Riot Games has announced that Ranked League of Legends Season 12 will officially end on November 14.

League of Legends Season 13 is starting soon. 2023 season Chemistry Dragon , new items , jungle updates etc. It will bring many innovations. But first, we have to say goodbye to Season 12.

League of Legends Season 12 kicks off on January 7th with the cinematic "The Call". Five new champions have been released, along with various UI changes, a new Stamina system, and Magnificent Essence ; Zeri, Renata Glasc, Bel'Veth, Nilah and K'Sante . A total of 21 patches have been released over these eleven months, and the meta has changed quite a bit this season. Players have had nightmares this season like Janna top and Singed mid laner.

After the season ends, players will receive their rewards in four weeks from patch 12:22-12:23. Riot Games, “ Once again, everyone's favorite time of the year, End of Season reward announcement! All your victories and heartbreaks in the 2022 season will finally be rewarded. "


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Ranked End of Season and Rank Reset in League of Legends Season 12


Riot Games has announced that Ranked League of Legends Season 12 will officially end on November 14 at 23:59:59. In particular, the Master, GrandMaster and Championship seasons end 15 minutes early at 11:45 PM on November 14. This means that players have only a few days to work hours and climb the ranked ladder to reach higher ranked stages.

New seasons in League apply a soft reset to rank and MMR. A soft reset means that a player's rank and MMR are reset, but not completely reset. Both will be dropped at the beginning of the season, but it is also possible to start the new season with a winning streak by resetting the win rate at the same time.

A soft reset will depend on the player's rank just before the season starts, so even pre-season rank matters. It's important to note that the ranks are completely reset to "unordered".


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League 12 End of Season Ranked Reward: Glorious Sejuani Skin


This year, Riot Games decided to go with Sejuani, the Fury of the North, as their Glorious skin selection. If you rank Gold or higher in the Solo/Duo or Ranked Flex ranks this season , you will receive the Glorious Sejuani skin . In addition to the skin, players will also be given the Glorious Sejuani colors for each additional stage where they rise above Gold in both Solo/Duo and Flex ranks. Specifically, players who finish Ranked placements in Solo/Duo, Flex, or both, Eternal Sejuani Permanent Series 1, will receive a ranked profile icon and a ranked profile banner for your highest rank in both Solo/Duo and Flex queues.

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