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Riot Games Aims To Speed Up LoL Client

Riot Games Aims To Speed Up LoL Client
The client is made better with the innovations that have been made and will be made, the details are in the article.
Riot Games developers are trying to improve and speed up the LoL client for players who complain about the LoL client and have low performance computers. Riot Games announced earlier this year that it aims to maximize the client's working order, both in terms of performance and consistently. Thanks to the work done so far, the boot speed of the client has been brought to the desired point, and now the champion selection screen, which is the next phase, is improved, and then the delayed statistics page after the game is over at the end of the game.

Riot Gamesperiodically organizes surveys and in these surveys, problems such as client problems are asked to be voted by the users. Apart from the feedback, these survey results are very important for Riot Games . In this way, the opportunity to develop in line with the data and results obtained and to provide services directly to the players is kept at the highest level. You can view the graphs of the data obtained at the end of the surveys and survey results below;

Client Status Data


Survey Data




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