Riot Games announces "Valorant Pakistan"

Riot Games announces "Valorant Pakistan"
Valorant's India and South Asia Twitter account published a news about Pakistan. An unusual server is coming.

Riot Games continues to grow Valoran more and more . The makers of League of Legends won gold for their ability-based first-person shooter. Players from all over the world join their ranks, hoping to become Valorant stars.

Riot Games is helping this global social network by placing Valorant servers far away. Recently , Valorant announced server additions in India and South Asia, as well as the Middle East and North Africa . On top of that, there will be global First Strike events.

Valorant Pakistan 

The Valorant Twitter account dedicated to India and South Asia has released a teaser image.

The Twitter post was roughly "Peace be with you Pakistan!" Then the question is asked "Do you have JAZBA?" The word in this post can mean emotion, affection or possibly passion.
The promotion continues on October 25, 2020. This is likely the date when the full details will be announced as well.

First Strike event in Pakistan

The promotion  does not reveal much other than that the Event will be for Pakistan . The finals of the First Strike event will take place in December. However, when the event was announced, the Middle East was grouped as a single region. This may mean that First Strike qualifiers not only involve Pakistan but other - other regions as well.



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