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Riot Plans to Replace Minions in LoL 2024 Pre-Season

Riot Plans to Replace Minions in LoL 2024 Pre-Season
Riot Games' Gameplay Agenda blog mentioned changing minions in League as a future change the company could make.

Riot Games releases major updates to bring League of Legends to life before eachMany changes were brought to the valley during the 2023 Pre-Season period, including map innovations, jungle pets, and the return of the Alchemy Dragon due to Teleports, Dragon Spirits, and DragonsAlso, more Magnificent items have been added and tier changes have been made for items such as Centennial Stick and Shahbaz Jak'Sho. 

For the patch 13.7 notes , Riot Phraxzon and Riot AxesreleasedGameplay AgendaIn this post, Riot Gamesstated that it is working on new features such asminions


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Riot Potentially Replaces Minions


Riot Games' Gameplay Agenda blog mentioned changing minions as a future change the company could make. Although a clear decision has not been made yet, it was stated that Riot Games is considering this option. The purpose of this change may be to help balance different champion roles and classes in-game.

Also, one of the options we're considering for the Preseason is to create a way to better balance the roles against each other as a whole (like each lane having different minions).

We find our current tools a bit too restrictive, and we think that undoing simple things like Teleport changes doesn't make the game any better, but rather introduces new problems in the game.

This change led Riot Games to explore the idea of ​​using different types of minions in each lane to better balance the different champion roles in League . This idea was introduced with the thought that the current tools for game balance may be insufficient and past changes will not solve the problems.

Although no final decision has been made on this issue, Riot Phroxzon states that they can better balance the roles in the game by developing a new set of tools.

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