Scout Selection Guide for Valorant Maps

Just as each agent in Valorant has its own characteristics, each map has its own tactical style. We have compiled for you which scout agent or agents would be a better choice on which map.
In Valorant , every team needs an agent who can stop a bomb site. These agents that are successful in defense, often slowing raids on bomb sites or gaining information, are called Valorant scout agents . These three highly skilled scout agents, Cypher, Killjoy, and Sage, can outdo other agents with their abilities on Valorant maps. In the agent selection screen, it is important to consider the map before choosing the team's scout.
Best Scout Selection by Maps
► Ascent → Cypher
Cypher 's kit in Ascent makes it an excellent choice considering the specifics of the map. While a teammate is watching the midzone, Cypher can effectively scout alone in the A or B bombsite. Teams will either have to get help dealing with Cypher's traps or they will have to hit all players on the opposing team. Either way, Cypher will know exactly where his opponents are hiding because he's unbeatable for information. Thanks to this skill set and his unpredictable nature, he's a perfect scouting agent for Ascent. ► Bind → Sage
Sage 's Barrier Orb (ability C) or wall has been buffed and weakened multiple times during Valorant 's debut. Regardless of the changes, its wall is still extremely useful, especially in Bind. ValorantUnlike all the other maps in 'Bind', there is no middle zone in Bind, but what sets Bind apart from other maps is the portals. Unlike everyone else, Sage can effectively block the gate with his Barrier Orb, and due to Bind's portals, many players can jump into a portal at the last second to change the attack zone or the zone where he will place the spike. This is where Sage steps in and can use her Barrier Orb or Slowing Orb (Q Ability) to stop a team from changing their minds at the last second. In some cases, use of a portal by any team can give Sage the opportunity to resurrect one of his teammates. Despite all the changes Sage has seen, her influence on Bind is still overwhelming.
► Top 5 Agents to Kill Your Opponents in Valorant
►Haven → Cypher
Cypher is known as the most effective scout in Haven because there are three bomb sites on the map. While the Killjoy's case for best solo zone control is convincing, it's undeniable that his Turret needs to be in a certain proximity for it to work. Cypher, on the other hand, can get information without being close to the area with Hidden Camera (Skill E) or Booby Trap (Skill C). Since there are three bomb sites, having someone who can single-handedly stop an area against enemies is crucial to an opponent's advantage in the game, and Cypher can do just that. ►Icebox → Killjoy
Icebox is the newest map added to Valorant 's map pool, so tons of changes have already been made. As of now , Killjoy seems like a great spy choice for the map because Killjoy's Turret (E Ability) has so many different angles that it can damage enemies before being destroyed. Pairing the Alert bot (Q Ability) with the Turret can be a fatal blow to the opposing team. Killjoy is unmatched at clearing out enemies compared to his scout counterparts. ►Split → Killjoy
Killjoy's kit in Split is great at stopping attacks and dealing damage. With his two Nanoswarm (C Ability) and his Turret, he can take information and deal damage without directly entering the field. He can stall his opponents by surviving to retake the territory with his team. When Killjoy's best ability, as well as his ultimate ability, Incarceration (Skill X), is ready, he can take back the occupied territory. If isolation is placed in a good spot, it can force enemies out of the field or corner them. Sage and Cypher both have good ultimates, while Killjoy's ultimate in Split is much more effective. ► Click to buy Valorant VP now!