Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Multiplayer Mod Finally Coming

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Multiplayer Mod Finally Coming
Here are the details

Unlike other From Software titles such as Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Bloodborne or Dark Souls, Sekiro has so far stood out as a purely single - player experience . Indie developer Luke Yui has developed a six-player mode called Sekiro Online that lets you play together on a samurai journey .

 Patience and timing are key to fighting and surviving in the game of Sekiro, the main damage mechanic is designed around taking a stand against an enemy and dealing a heavy blow. Adding more enemy players on the opposite side would de-tense Sekiro's fight, every fight would no longer feel like a duel that could go either way, but rather more like a drunken tavern fight.

The mod includes PVP (player vs. other player) combat, Players can also be summoned as friendly phantoms to play alongside the main character. This is similar to using the bell in Dark Souls to get help in a boss fight from another game, except that the player doesn't disappear after the fight.

Both summoned and invader players are scaled to the host player's level to ensure a smooth playing field, preventing players from being blocked by a single invader or players using a higher character to easily defeat boss fights. Yui says this method is the best way to balance it with the PVE multiplayer mode.

“For example, if you have 40 attack power and your opponent has 1 attack power, they will hit you as if they have 40 and you will hit as if you have 1,” Yui explains on his mod page.

All players must have the mod installed to play with the Steam version of the game on PC. Yui currently has no plans to expand beyond any non-Steam version of the game.

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