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Shroud's Valorant Settings Updated in 2022

Shroud's Valorant Settings Updated in 2022
In this article, we'll guide you through Shroud's new and updated Valorant settings.

In this article, we'll guide you through Shroud's new and updated Valorant settings . Michael “shroud” Grzesiek is a former professional CS:GO player. He started his career as a backup player in the Cloud9 CS:GO squad at the age of 20, and Cloud9 gave Shroud a permanent place in the original 5-man squad, influenced by his playing style.

It was originally a small-time publisher who loved to play all kinds of games. After joining Cloud9, stream viewers started to grow rapidly; its crazy gameplay and highlights made it the “King of Reddit”. He has become a popular figure in both the streaming and esports communities.


In April 2018, Shroud decided to stop competing as a professional CS:GO player and follow his dream as a streamer. After that, he released countless games and achieved considerable success in every game he played.

The same goes for Valorant. While Shroud is no longer pursuing his career as a professional player, he is giving professional Valorant players a tough time. So, considering that Valorant and CS: GO are the same type of FPS game, when he does his best, he impresses everyone with his excellent Valorant gameplay.



►  Top 10 Esports Teams in Valorant's First Two Years


Shroud's Current Valorant Settings 2022


Shroud uses certain Valorant settings to complement its gameplayThese settings certainly don't make him the best player, but they do help keep him consistent. Note that creators like Shroud often tweak their settings whether it's Valorant or other games. Changes are mostly minimal and stay within a certain range. For this reason, it is always recommended to follow the Valorant settings of professional players, but never imitate them as they may not suit your playstyle.

Without further ado, let's find out which Valorant settings Shroud uses so you can take your Valorant domination to the next level . You should go through each setting, find the one that suits you best and change it to your liking.

Shroud Valorant Image Setting 2022

Visuals are very important in Valorant as it decides what you can and cannot see in the heat of battle. Shroud uses a mix of high resolution and medium graphics quality settings to get maximum FPS without losing visual clarity .

General Display Settings
Display ModeFull screen
Resolution2560 x 1440 16:9 (240Hz)
Image Size Methodletterbox
Limit FPS on BatteryOpen
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyOn + Buff
Graphics Quality
Multi-thread VisualizationOpen
Material QualityHigh
Texture QualityHigh
Detail QualityHigh
Interface QualityLow
Anti-AliasingMSAA 4x
Anisotropic Filtering8x
Increase ClarityClosed
[BETA] Experimental SharpeningClosed
Shadows ThrownClose

Shroud Global Valorant Settings

Shroud uses the default global settings for visual clarity as well asIt mainly uses customized map settings. Other than that, the rest of the general settings are default.

Enemy Highlight ColorRed (Default)
Keep Player in the CenterClosed
Minimap Size1,028
Minimap Zoomone

Shroud Valorant Settings: Controls

Now that you know the visual and general settings of Shroud , it's time to see what keybindings it uses for fluid movement and commands. We will only add the following custom keybindings; other keybindings are left by default.

Use/Equip Ability: 1TO
Cast/Equip Ability: 2Q
Cast/Equip Ability: 3C
Cast/Equip Ability: Ultimatex
WalkLeft Shift
squatLeft Ctrl
JumpSpace / Mouse Wheel Down
Equip Main Weaponone
Equip Secondary Weapon2
Equip Melee Weapon3
Equip Spike4

Shroud Valorant Crosshair/ Sight Settings

Sight ColorWhite
Main LineClosed
Center PointClosed
Sight Distance, Override Firing Error DistanceClosed
Inner Lines
Show Inline LinesOpen
Inline Transparencyone
Inner Line Length5
Inner Line Thickness2
Inner Line Distance0
Motion ErrorClosed
Ignition ErrorClosed
Show OutlinesOpen
Outline Transparency0.35
Outline Length2
Outline Thickness2
Outline Distance10

Shroud's Valorant Settings 2022: Mouse/Mouse Sensitivity

Shroud tweaks the Valorant mouse sensitivity setting quite a lot. However, it doesn't drastically change mouse sensitivity, so it usually stays within a small range. Here is the list of current Valorant mouse sensitivity settings that Shroud has.

Sensitivity: Targeting0.78
Mouse DPI450
Zoom Accuracy Multiplierone
Invert MouseClosed
[BETA] Pure Input DurationClosed

Shroud's Equipment

Shroud uses special equipment that allows him to do his best . Valorant is a very competitive game, so having good gear puts you in an advantageous position against other players.

  • Alienware AW2721D
  • Logitech G303 SE
  • Logitech G840 SE
  • Logitech G Pro X Keyboard SE
  • Logitech G Pro X Wireless Headphones SE

Here are the new Valorant settings and equipment that Shroud is using in 2022 . As mentioned earlier, you should always change your settings according to your preference and accessibility. So try Shroud's current Valorant settings and adjust them to your own playstyle for maximum efficiency.

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TAGS: shroud Valorant: Shroud Michael "Shroud" Grzesiek Shroud crosshair ayarları Valorant fare hassasiyet ayarları Valorant en iyi Valorant fare hassasiyet ayarları Shroud'un yeni ve güncellenmiş Valorant ayarları Shroud valorant Shroud valorant 2022 Shroud valorant ayarları Shroud valorant ayarları 2022 Shroud güncel valorant ayarları Shroud güncel valorant ayarları 2022 Shroud'un 2022'de Güncellenen Valorant Ayarları Shroud'un Güncel Valorant Ayarları 2022 Shroud Valorant Görüntü Ayarı 2022 Shroud Valorant Video Ayarı 2022 Shroud Genel Valorant Ayarları Shroud Valorant Ayarları: Kontroller Shroud Valorant Kontroller Ayarları Shroud Valorant Kontroller Ayarları 2022 Shroud Genel Valorant Ayarları 2022 Shroud Crosshair/ Nişangâh Ayarları Shroud Valorant Crosshair/ Nişangâh Ayarları Shroud Valorant Crosshair/ Nişangâh Ayarları 2022 Shroud Valorant Crosshair Ayarları Shroud Valorant Crosshair Ayarları 2022 Shroud Valorant Nişangâh Ayarları Shroud Valorant Nişangâh Ayarları 2022 Shroud’un Valorant Ayarları 2022: Fare/Mouse Hassasiyeti Shroud Valorant Fare/Mouse Hassasiyeti Ayarları 2022 Shroud Valorant Fare Hassasiyeti Ayarları 2022 Shroud Valorant Fare Hassasiyeti Ayarları Shroud Valorant Fare Hassasiyeti Ayarı Shroud Valorant Mouse Hassasiyeti Ayarları 2022 Shroud Valorant Mouse Hassasiyeti Ayarı Shroud Valorant Mouse Hassasiyeti Ayarları Valorant fare hassasiyet ayarı Shroud Valorant fare hassasiyet ayarı Shroud Valorant fare hassasiyet ayarı 2022 Shroud’un Ekipmanları Shroud yeni Valorant ayarları Shroud yeni Valorant ayarları 2022 Shroud'un güncel Valorant ayarları

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