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The increase in Valorant's Smurf accounts is discouraging new players. Check out Riot Games' work on detecting Smurf accounts.

' Smurf ', which entered the game world by Warcraft players and preferred by a large audience over time , started to become a common problem in Valorant . What is Smurf? Smurf is usually professional or players who have reached a certain level in the games by opening an additional account to play against low level players. The weakening of the integrity of the competition in the game presents an unfair competition environment to the new players and at the same time prevents them from enjoying the game. Smurf Accounts Reduce Competition Valoront , which has attracted great interest since its publication (officially published on June 2, 2020) and continues to become more popular day by day ,

The increase in Smurf accounts is not negligible. Aiming to prevent this problem , Riot Games talked about the efforts to prevent Smurf accounts at the Ask Valorant event published on Valorant 's official site in October .

Smurfing always sucks, especially if you have a rank. While it's hard to quit smurfing completely in a free-to-play game, we're taking action to tackle it. Currently, we have a behind-the-scenes system for Unrated, and one that applies to Diamond-rated players via Iron. Second, it monitors an individual's performance and notices that a player has made a rather disproportionate impact on a game. Then we quickly promote them to harder matches and higher ranks in Competitive.

We stop using this system for Immortal+ players because they're smurfs or not so many places to play when you're already close to the top rank. In the longer term, we're looking for ways to further speed up placing smurfs into matches with the appropriate skills. However, we are currently prioritizing some improvements to our core ranking system and beyond that to our leaderboards.

—Ian Fielding, Senior Producer

Valorant actor Spencer 'Hiko' Martin spoke about Valorant Smurfing in a broadcast he attended.
Smurfing destroys two separate things, right? Smurfing ruins the game you're in, so you're not only ruining the person you're playing with, but also that guy's/girl's account by raising the rank and giving away wins they shouldn't have. They do not achieve the gains on their own and do not heal. Moreover, you empower all the people in our team; If you do 50 kills you give them a free win.
Iron and Bronze Layers Have the Most Benefit from Smurf.

Players with high elo scores play in Iron or Bronze elo leagues, reducing their chances of winning the match when they compete against players who can achieve promotion. Since the skills of the players playing in these leagues are very limited according to Smurf accounts, their elo drops even more and turns into an elo hell. As the number of Smurf accounts increases, it does not give a chance to players who want to improve themselves and get out of these leagues.


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