Talent of Valorant's Electric Agent Neon Released

Talent of Valorant's Electric Agent Neon Released
Valorant players will soon be able to battle their enemies with Neon, the newest agent to join the game with an exciting skill set.

Valorant players will soon be able to battle their enemies with Neon, the newest agent to join the game with an exciting skill set . Fans got their first detailed look at the Filipino agent today, in a cinematic trailer showcasing Neon's personality and exciting new abilities . As you can see in the trailer, Neon is an agent who can run fast, outrun enemies and slide on the ground to escape gunfights. You can also see him launch an electric ball that bounces off walls and deals damage to the area it lands on.

Neon also has a similar ability to Phoenix's wall, but this ability includes two blue walls that provide protection on either side. Neon's ultimate ability appears to be an electric force that allows electricity to emanate from his fingers. It's unclear how much damage this does, but it looks like a devastating ability that can easily win gunfights.


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Valorant Agent Neon Skill Kit

While it hasn't been officially confirmed yet, Neon seems to be taking on the role of the duelist based solely on his skills , and we have no doubt he'll be rushing onto the scene at the start of Episode 4 : Confusion .

Sprint and Slide

Neon has the ability to place his weapons and move quickly around the map at full speed. Additionally, he can confuse enemies in corners with his ability to glide on his knees. He can slide right after a sprint with his weapon drawn, and with quick quickness he can catch enemies off guard while maintaining their headshot angle.

Concussive Charge

Neon also has the ability to fire a concussive charge that can bounce up to two walls before hitting the ground. The charge then vibrates on the ground like a CR/O grenade or an Astra concussive charge, stunning enemies caught in its area.

Double Firewall

Neon can summon two phoenix-like fire walls, creating a corridor surrounded by blue flame where he can run and slide.

Ultimate – Lightning Finger Guns

Neon's ultimate allows him to use his electric power and focus it on a beam of lightning emanating from his fingertips. It looks like he can run, slide, and melt through shields and health while using him.

The new Valorant agent, Neon, is thought to debut in the meta on January 12 with the start of the 2022 season 4 Episode 1 Episode 1, but Riot Games has not released an official statement about it. Follow us on our social media accounts to be informed about developments. Instagram  | twitter

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